
And one more thing, I never once said they didn’t drop a bullshit bridge across an already closed off road! Of coarse they did but they built it just for this BS and you know it. They use the green screen to make it look more realistic So trolls like you don’t have to work so hard. But, don’t worry I will follow this up soon with even more proof your you Guest boy.. Now where is your proof I have lied, photoshopped, or faked One single thing??? Or are you mad now because you see I won’t back down and can prove every word. Waiting ...

Oop, I missed a part. I believe you are real, because it’s people like yourself in this world that bring hilarity for the rest of us. Without you, life just wouldn’t be as fun. Now, as far as saying "you’ll be sorry"... for... what.. exactly? That you proved you’re a living, human being? OH NO!!! I just can’t fathom that you’re a real person!! NOOOO!!! everything I believed is false! My birth was a false flag because this guy proved to me he is real... shit man, thanks for the laugh

Big Papa throwing the trash back to that Troll who was probably Lenny.You should call the news and do a interview with them because of your experience.You know they have expert Panelist on there shows.

YouTube shut down their channels.

Wow...this is so full of information! Great listen, thank you!

Nice, you upload them again, that ones that turn into black thumbnails. Thanks for that! It is gold that you saved all this super duper exposing videos.

Thx Bro! It must have made some of them mad:). I’ve never had so many hate comments and threats! The trolls are on here now too! Its making my day they are so worried about my videos

The green screen is crazy the car backing into a car and disappearing great catch .

Why did barry, peekay, and robin all stop making videos all around the same time?

Kearnsy had some good stuff. The pink lady video completely busted the Westminster PFS.

Great Barry vids........

Actually, it only took me about 8 minutes to reply, the length of your attempt at twisting truth to fit your narrow-sighted views, and rally fools to your cause... which, I have yet to really understand what that cause is... It doesn’t really seem to accomplish much. I didn’t expect you to read all of it, I had a feeling logical context would confuse you. I’ve got a solution to your green screen theory, why don’t you go to Miami and see for yourself? If it’s all a scripted, green screen setup, there shouldn’t be any actual incident at that location. Prove your theory, and go see for yourself before making baseless claims.

Red Dogg: really long thread. Take your time.

So maybe this lawsuit is a promotional stunt. If what you say is the case then he is definitely a paid shill. Thanks for the heads up. So tired of these characters. We need people with guts and integrity.

153 is the ONLY place were you can upload videos thats goes against the official version. I repete ONLY PLACE. YT give Mike Williams a community guidelines strike for this video. And Vimeo also take down videos with content like this. Even whole channels, like they did to me.

There are actually some good things in his vid. However, it goes beyond the video. I will post a link soon and you can read up on what went on with Simon. You can judge for yourself. Simon Hyatt is his name.

Well at least I know who downvoted this and it wasn’t Reszneki , the severely retarded serial troll . Lol

How is he disinfo ? What is wrong in this video ? I would love to know .

They killed my 3 remaining channels in the last purge 2 weeks ago . It was Red Dogg Truth 2, 3 , and 4 . I’ve lost 7 channels total . It was all over old videos .

Thanks for all the London vids. I covered it as well. 😁