
Well we shall see. I drew a line in the sand, we shall see it he wants to fight.

Hahahahaha, I run jobs way bigger then this little bridge job and every video I have ever posted is straight from MSM videos on JewTube. So if you were any kind of a man you would actually go look first and see the footage is exactly what was broadcast. But I’m sure you already know it and that’s why you spent 2 hours trying to write 3 messages to me lmao! Your a little troll boy and You have made my day! Now to celebrate:)!!!!!!

cheers HoaxGrabber. I’m busy putting a web page together - as well as being on here and youtube and twitter and working... I have roughly 300 videos from various folks to upload, so it’ll take a while - check out the page if you like (work in progress):

Cat and mouse game. Who are Lenny’s lawyers or is this all from him?

In conclusion, the FUD you’re spreading is ridiculous. If this is really what "you do" on your spare time (or even when you should be contributing to society by getting a job), the buddy, you’ve got a long road of disappointment ahead of you. It amazes me that dumb shits like you are allowed to thrive on this planet.

I thought I found a cool place to put my videos, I guess not. I don’t have the time to dedicate or the technological wherewithall to do all you suggest. I have flight24 but the sprayers often don’t even show up so what then? I film according to my unique viewpoint sorry if that is unacceptable. I removed the chemtrail tag. Ok?

Red Dog: Simon thinks everything is fake about 9/11. That is why he is disinfo.

In regards to the structural components of the bridge. You do realize this bridge was built using a whole different technique that others bridges, right? And, I would love to see your engineering degree before you start telling people how the bridge was supposed to be built

So.... Is it impossible that there ever be an actual disaster in the US without it being a hoax or conspiracy theory? Is it at all possible for you douchebags to feel bad for the individuals affected by this? Probably not, since this incident is "fake". So, let me shed some light on a couple of your "theories". First, the yellow license plates. The emergency responders bagged them. Why? Because they didn’t want the thousands of cameras on the ground or in the sky capturing the plate numbers and blasting those over the internet for potential family to see, who may not have been notified yet that their family member was just crushed by a multi-ton bridge. It’s this thing called being sensitive to a situation, something of which you have no grasp. Second, the single ambulance, two patients. Believe it or not, and hold your asses for this one, ambulances CAN accommodate two patients! No way!! It’s more than likely that ambulance 69 was the first on scene, they had two patients that needed to head to the hospital asap, so they loaded them both to get them medical assistance as quickly as possible, considering the hospital was relatively close. (or, my own conspiracy theory, you photoshop’d the numbers onto those ambulances, plural). And, just to note, scrubbing a video with today’s tech to make certain people "walk backwards" isn’t as outlandish as you make it out to be. You may be able to fool dumbasses with that "discovery", but it’s been a thing for awhile. Also, try searching for different video footage, that might work against your cause though. I watched the feed live for hours from helicopter and ground footage, both crystal clear HD. The distortion you’re noting in your video isn’t a wide-spread issue across ALL footage of the scene. Expand your search, if your mental capacity is capable. Back to the license plates, the white you’re seeing? That was before they were bagged. When emergency responders get on scene, their first reaction isn’t to bag license plates, its to save lives, but with all the cameras in the world, it was a next-step after ensuring lives were saved. (funny how that screen shot from a helo’s video footage was crystal clear! Is it at all possible, just maybe, that was from a different camera? Have you TRIED looking at different footage, or are you basing your claims off of one set of videos?). Hahahaha!!! The vehicle didn’t disappear. God, you get dumber as the video goes on. It’s called perspective. From where the video was being captured, you can’t tell if there is a space between the cop car and the bridge, and you can clearly see the top of the vehicle as it passes between the two.

Getting a lot of threatening messages now telling me I won’t resist and calling me a slave and saying the battle has already been won and Threats against me and my family. Now someone keeps calling me am hanging up and nobody has my number. These sick evil people don’t like when you expose them for how low they are. YouTube will delete our channels but let a guy like that make threats all day.. My wife is now scared to death now.

I was Jewtube purged in January for videos I uploaded 3 years ago.

Glad I could help. Thanks for the Support!

TY, I must have done something right. They just sent me more death threats. Told me I will not resist and called me a slave. These people are sick and evil.

Nice:) I’m not surprised lol

Bin Laden family sponsored his brother’s Grand Prix car. He has been down and out for a long time.

Simon Shack is disinfo.

Donations to hoaxes , yep "impressive" ...

Pure evil.

NICE use of music . I knew that had to be Judas Priest . And then Pantera , one of my favorite bands . I saw them twice and I’ve seen Phil’s band Superjoint Ritual 2 or 3 times .

Staged bullshit .