
Ask yourself the simple question.Que Bono..Who benefited from what hitler did..israel and the the way i see it..He was doing exactly as they wanted whether he knew it or not.

And as for Napoleon war was brought against him by the jewish bankers as well, just like what happened to Hitler, I recommend the book: ‘A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind’ by Stephen Mitford Goodson.

And The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L Bradberry is a very good book.

When you are knowledgeable about t Hitler and WW2 this idea that he was part of a ’jesuit plan’ or a rothshcild or an agent is laughable. I have seen all these theories, all of them have been debunked. I recommend this article showing how it is ridiculous to say he was an agent: here is a link to an article explaining how he was not an agent:

Yes I’d like to see it. Hadn’t followed him that long before he got his channel terminated. Most Shills on youtube come out of no where and get 10s of thousands of subs within 6 months. Scott only had about 6k subs and had his channel for years.

Beirut Barack Bombings was an Israeli mini-nuke attack, just as those Argentina attacks were. Dimitri Khalezov’s explains it very well in his book based on proof at the site and global politics. This should be your nr.1 source looking into this, Robert.

So you carefully claim not to be a flat-earther but you post flat-earth videos because you think other people should listen to flat-earth nonsense.

The real runners were stopped upstream because of the fake bomb and drill. Real runners had not signed the non-disclosure agreement so they had to be stopped. No sweat on the crisis actors as they lumbered over the finish line dry as a bone.

Glad you’re re-posting PK

Please tell me Red Dogg is not a flat earther

Thanks. I copy. Currently, there are three main abuses of the DMCA. First, fair use has been a legal gray area, and subject to opposing interpretations. This has caused inequity in the treatment of individual cases. Second, the DMCA has often been invoked overbearingly, favoring larger copyright holders over smaller ones. This has caused accidental takedowns of legitimate content, such as a record company accidentally removing a music video from their own artist. Third, the lack of consequences for perjury in claims encourages censorship. This has caused temporary takedowns of legitimate content that can be financially damaging the legitimate copyright holder, who has no recourse for reimbursement. This has been used by businesses to censor competition.[70]

Like Alex Jones, RFB was exposed as an agent when he got his Jewtube channel back

I’ve explained to him the methods I am using. rnYesterday I called How I see the World and told him to move his stuff over here. BTW to both of you I think the best Y2Be channel, at least for the time being, is WeatherWar101. I’ve tried HARD to make the guy tell me how he gets his imagery but to no avail. That’s the kind of guy we really need on 153.

You’ve got to begin with saying WHERE this is, then use to make sure WHO is spraying. More often than not you’ll see there is no plane, and that’s because their trasponders are off (military airplanes). ALSO, take note of the time they pass above your head. If you can find a PATTERN, you can frame them with 2 ways: rnrn1) Get the sat imagery and show the reticulates (you may even calculate how long these "contrails" are)rn2) Go to the ISS and look for the HDEV program, it’s the HighDef cameras, find out WHEN the ISS flies above your head and take screenshots. Jason is right you’ve got to do this properly (you need a sunny day or at least NOT overcast because I assure you they spray 24/7 above the cloud layer and chemtrails are not visible from satellites if the clouds are behind them, neither can we see from the ground since clouds are between our eyes and them).

So if that piece of TERRORIST SCUM sues you the content will be kept down. Let’s hope IT does so you can crush him in court and then PROCEED to file charges for domestic terrorism. Don’t make mistakes, walk hand in hand with your lawyers and we all come up on the winning side.

Cheers aml. They have many channels electronically boxed in too. I am staying out of the muck flinging. Best judge people on what they say and produce. I know 153 has it’s critics and will be impacted by genuine shill behaviour, but it is a platform that is not deleted my videos and calling me a bully. Keep up the good work.

Yes, let’s not forget that Sandy hook facts are on that list of those getting their channel back after having it removed!

How the hell does 8 cars end up under the bridge? That’s like way too unlikely.

"Redacted people" more likely nothing, inserted cubes.

We can’t win a trick. YouTube have made it abundantly clear that our opinions are not welcome there. It is virtually impossible to upload without the thought police removing videos and channels. Yet if you upload to 153news other "truthers" will call you shill, regardless of the work you’ve already done. Your called a shill for uploading to and promoting where you upload ie, 153news. I fear that not only is YouTube dead, but the "truth" movement is slowly dying too, thanks to infighting and name calling between people that are on the same page, are speaking out about the same things.