
That sums up most of these silly events: Nobody is doing ANYTHING.

This seems like it could also be a RichieFromBoston stunt. I’m actually not familiar with his work except for that Hogg’s father works for Cubic vid. He wouldn’t acknowledge that Hogg is an obvious crisis actor despite the overwhelming evidence.

Great catch. These scumbags are totally busted.

You know it. Document everything!

Funny as shit!

Ha ha . F**k I’m speechless. So should he be.

Case closed!

RFB – Get his channel back after 2 days. Side Thorn has try to get his 400 videos back – for months.

Peekay the man .

One thing, it is nothing against you. Not at all.

Don’t be so hard on yourself, some of these people are very clever in how they do this, most of us believed the bs when we are first “awakened”, the main thing is you now know the truth and will be more easy to spot. I still sub to a lot of them, Goodman, Morphonious, Montegraph and the like just to keep an eye on what they’re up to. I can’t send the oics on here so pm me an email address and I’ll fire them off to you brother (or sister lol)

Much more on Simon in other threads proving his work is fraudulent. Some of Simon’s helpers hacked into LRF owners business website. A lot on Simon was before I joined in ’14. You have to go back to late last decade and follow it forward. Simon’s brother helped create camera used on helicopter footage from 9/11. Let me get other threads for you. Give me rest of weekend. 😊

I appreciate it. Certainly don’t want to be watching someone putting out disinfo. I haven’t seen any red flags on this guy yet but sometimes it takes me some time to catch on unfortunately. Wish I had better discernment on some things but I definitely know these crisis events are full of bullshit and the people that are setting this crap up know that we know. Just wish more people could see the deception and propaganda right in front of them.

That sure dont look to good.

i read some of it and I don’t see much proof at all . So what if the guy’s brother was once in a race the Bin Ladin’s sponsored ? Where is the proof that his father was some U.N. chief ?

Holy cow! Man you guys...I am so sorry. :/ What a sad video. Oh my American brothers and sisters.

WTC S I’ll try n send the screenshots to you. I’ve sussed out how they do these events and it’s not as difficult as the shills would lead us to believe. I’ll try putting them in a message on here but if you don’t receive them let me know

Yeah I hear you ZI, he was trying to lead his followers down a rabbit hole of a mercenary outfit being responsible for the Florida school shooting, bloody ridiculous and I questioned him on it, when I laid out how I think it was done he realised he’d been found out and ignored the rest of my comments. To be fair he didn’t delete my comments but shortly after his channel was deleted

All this time I thought O’Bama was Irish.

nesbitt may be obombya brother