
Thanx zombie! Never see him with a dog or very young children. thats always a clue something is wrong. Like the kids getting a kiss from pope or gov officials crying asses off. rnDogs same way :)rn

Another group that believes they are "The Chosen"...the only people qualified to tell me how to run my life...who I should hate and kill. What I should believe and fear. And how far I need to spread my butt cheeks..... Because they’ve done such a great job so far. But, they can’t let go, lest the people figure out that mankind is not intrinsically murderous. After all, we have to be intensively lied to and manipulated to get us to go to war...and shamed into it when we know better. These are the globalist traitors we entrust the running of our sovereign nations to. These are the genocidal maniacs posing as Jews commanding the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. These are the 0.00001% at war with the 99.9999%. The Kleptocratic Oligarchy of International Organized Crime enslaving the world. Here I sit in realization that exposing this from my station in life emits a sound so feeble, a pin drop would mask it. I am so insignificant, my words, though hated by these enemies of man, will not even stir them to murder me. They expend no effort and pay no price by ignoring me. Proving to me that indifference is most surely the opposite of compassion.

His name is Rabbi Shaul Praver anything anyone comes up with on him please hit me up with the info.

We know about this guy we have been looking into him anything you learn about him please send it along.

Looked similar to florida today around 11am. I havent seen a good rain in many months, when it does its like a fine mist. At this pointI think there is no more natural storms just man made. And the radar never looks like it used too. Its fucked. The local weather is just predicting what the chem trails will be like.

Yeah could be interesting to see what actually happens with this ZI

Great work.

Hospitals are under military (and Freemasonic) control. The name itself is military in nature.

The screenshots should be winging their way to you. If I get any good links I’ll send them across too. Nice talking to you, catch you soon

"The Clue Is In The Name" (crISIS solutions)rn

Take a look at their promotional video and check out their motto--

Yeah they do come out with some good stuff a lot of the time, like I say 70 - 80% is probably true. If you listen to Morphonios on the Middle East he’s just about spot on but his 100 Vegas vids are a joke. I’ll get those screenshots to you.....

Yeah I’ve researched some into the CFR, builderburg org and the IMF. rnWish I had more time to research but life. Lol. Followed Josh Reeves for awhile but he’s pretty much an ass so I stopped. He seemed pretty good at breaking down Scientology, IMF and the CFR. Anytime you want to shoot me any links I’d appreciate it. Thanks again.

I have always loved your informative work since I started watching your material on Youtube before they turned into dicks. I would definitely like to see you put out some new material with you keen out looks onto this bullshit that is put out by the governments and media. Thank you for your time, excellent work and all your efforts you put into making these videos. You have brought alot laughs to me and my peers.

That cunt newsreader looks like a demon.

Of course they had to walk. All the ambulance drivers were in the middle of a drill.

I’m lucky in that a good friend of mine is fully aware of what’s going on and so I do get to speak about it often, I can imagine how frustrating it must be though. rnYeah 911 is a tangled web and was the start of my questioning what I was being told but you soon see that all these false flags go higher than the charade of government. The Council of Foreign Relations is where the real puppet masters reside, look into them (if you haven’t already - sorry if I’m preaching to the converted so to speak). What’s happening at the moment with Pompeo being appointed sec. of state is directly related. The CIA are basically the NWO enforcers and are being placed in positions of power

On the one end the bridge will have to be built over that canal, so it is obvious they can’t use the same construction technique as used on the failed section. Then both ends will have to be connected to something, buildings, steps, entrance plaza with elevators. I am no engineer but placing this section on two columns won’t make the columns tilt inward?

Email is I also follow channels I figure are shills but I do get some decent info from time to time. I pegged montagraph a while ago as a shill. Also SGT report. And no doubt about common sense show being a shill.

That is nuts!