
Washington, Albert Pune, Lincoln, Wilson, Trump; Judas Goats!!! Pretending to be heroes and leading humans to slaughter. Owned by Lucifer and the voodoo devil species

Bruh, and there are people who still idolise this charlatan

Is anyone getting the sense that this event is intended to be one that can easily be revealed as staged? Perhaps the idea is to reveal this as Trump’s plan to increase his chances of getting elected? The idea would be that the revelation of Trump’s involvement would be to promote the demoncratic party’s selected candidate as the better option.

They probably had several rehearsals to test how it would work, they forget to get the fake blood on Trump’s white collar.

Did his hat cover his ear?

Nobody would be climbing up onto a roof DURING the rally. No way in hell. And the BBC just HAPPENS to interview THIS GUY?? We already know the shots came from Trump’s security now.

And pump fisting which I just experienced this when a black girl accusing me of calling her a nigger pump fisted the cop after he told her they were on their side. Oh boy were they. And then my life went to shit. Pump fists symbols accompany communist posters. Look at me, I’m a commie too is what it says to me. It’s symbolic.


It literally looks like troll doll hair lol. He’s not IN the rally. He’s at a greenhouse but he looks like he’s mocking Trump.

What’s all the stuff on the ground behind him? I just went to a mudsling and everyone put their trash in the garbage. There were a lot of patriots there but very few Trump shirts surprisingly. Fake witnesses so far that I’ve seen.

This is really a fantastic find and expose! Some out of shape dork with huge bottle eyeglass lenses is going to be able to mastermind a shooting of Donald Trump. I wonder why they chose him to be an actor for this event and didn’t tell the producers of the Blackrock commercial.

I’ve been saying for months that there is not going to be an election. They want civil war. There isn’t even a campaign happening. You wouldn’t even know it was an election year in the US of Israel. The blood was applied when he went down. Country radio just kind of glossed over it. I don’t think a lot of people are buying it. Idk. I already knew I was going to be sick of people talking about it before I left the house today. I already gave my two cents worth and that was the end of the first conversation.



The guy isn’t even aiming or looking through his scope. He is just randomly shooting in three different places. Why doesn’t everyone look up at him?? And the guy with the goofy red hair hat looks like he’s mocking Trump (he has a greenhouse? Probably). And why did the BBC interview him? Out of alllllll those people....


My bf just pointed out that if the bullet grazed his ear it would have hit someone or something behind him. Good call. I imagine the shooter is a CGI like Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook fake shooter. Same tired story. Loner, bullied, outcast. No one knew him. Of course not.

Did he have a manifesto and draw maps of the building he was on?

I had a fashion show once where I was attacked by vampires. My models were all huddled around me and I had given them fake blood capsules to put in their mouth so there would be blood everywhere but they didn’t work. I probably didn’t read the instructions. Anyway, it was very anti-climactic. I am suspecting the bullet noises came through the PA system like in Las Vegas. The blood was applied apparently in the huddle of his actors "protecting" him. If there were than many shots that went off there would have been people injured behind him or maybe it was another magic bullet.

What a crock of horse manure, the only god that Trump is worshipping is the god of this earth, and it’s Jewish Masters They are trying to make this guy another King Cyrus, and Israel’s worldly messiah.