
Overlooked Suspect - OJ Simpson Is Guilty - But Not Of Murder

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After nearly thirteen years William C. Dear, internationally renowned private investigator, has released his documentary THE OVERLOOKED SUSPECT, based on his book "O.J. Is Guilty But Not of Murder."

Within days of the killings of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman in June 1994, Bill Dear spearheaded an investigation into the murders, assembling and collaborating with a team of experts known throughout the world. Mr. Dear's investigation has resulted in evidence never seen or made public---evidence that identifies a MAJOR SUSPECT who has to this date NEVER BEEN INVESTIGATED by public law enforcement. Evidence that also shows how the murders happened, producing the potential murder weapon, the suspect's diaries and much more---including what possible role O.J. Simpson himself played in these murders.

Through private advance screenings of this new film it has been revealed that an extremely high percentage of viewers prior to seeing the documentary were convinced that O.J. was the killer. Following the viewing of it, virtually 100% of the same viewers reversed their perception of his guilt and wanted the "overlooked suspect" indicted. They want the public law enforcement officials in the State of California to listen and take action and exercise the process of justice.
Post this for Russian Vids to see. His post here got me to dig this out. lol
For me, he lays out a solid case.. makes good sense and as we know the TV/media just love to drag sht out and drag it on. I have no horse in this. Tear it apart as you see fit or give thumb if makes logical sense. Peace 👍


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