
No one Died !

Good comparison !


This clown lost me at 9/11 and 7/7...

That’s what we see and they don’t. Even gravity couldn’t get that fake blood on Trump’s white collar.



I had a discussion with a city cop in my area. He bragged about using drones for law enforcement. The cops like these devices. New York city and San Fransisco admit to using them. If this Trump event was truthful, the security was using drones, and no one could be on any nearby roof without being detected, long before the bad guy accomplished anything. I’d bet a nickel, that the Republican Convention’s secure perimeter, will sound like a beehive.

That’s The Way it copied

I always automatically believe anything I hear from.ABC or any other of the Alphabet channels, push the sick psycho bullied kid to make the unbelievable believable.

Yeah he supposedly attended Bethel Park high school. But still more questions than answers..He could very well be another David Hogg FBI type..I saw the BlackRock vid but haven’t seen a photo to compare him with.

There is a video of his graduation and they call his name and he walks the stage. He was also in a Blackrock video shot at that school.

Notice how they don’t mention exactly which high school they supposedly attended..Because all you have to do is pull the yearbook to confirm its bs.

Hey Peekay, There are several videos showing exactly what happened.

Max Malone is one of my favorite "Oldies but Goodies". Has done a lot of great work.

The video is up on YouTube, A Wake Up Call channel. .....


They read his name around 1:08:10. Not scrubbed. Good find on the Blackrock video!

I mean I don’t care about his religious beliefs either way, I can ignore that, and focus on the main message, without throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Ouch, I just got nipped by one of Bill Gates depopulation skeeters.