
That begs the question if his wake up wasn’t just another scam.

Tim Truth does a good assessment on this hoax. ...

The fukn dems fake shit allllll the time why get made it trump does it!?! If it’s done for a good reason to destroy evil so he it! Only time will tell if trump is good or bad cause he can’t say fuk jew n Israel that would not be the art of war! Keepn your friends close and enemies closer is the smartest thing to do! Is the art of war!!! Never let the lefthand know what the right hand is doing! Trump said he will never let the enemy know his plans is smart! I pray he is a Trojan horse to evil and not for evil! Time will tell! I smile at my enemies I will never let them know I am coming!! Best way!! Is trump good or bad idk time will tellll!!! I pray he is good!! People do change Thats why christ came to change the world save it!

LOL I was thinking the exact same thing today. Fetzer’s boy as the main crisis actor in an obvious hoax.

This must have been from Alex Jones camera when he said he foiled security and snuck in the Grove to film, truth is he is one of them and he was invited.

Wow jfkjr guy behind trump top left with dark hat dark face just standing there!!so they claimed it was jfkjr!

Now this looks real compared to real trump vid! Nice job!so reall!

Look jfkjr on top left behind they claim guy with dark hat on dirty face!

In other vid does any notice the guy with the hat on behind tchrump that they claim was JFK jr in disguise and he was at other rallys with his so called wife JFK jr wife with big nose wearing the same outfit as inn other rallies they must be crisses actors!


Yep, can’t wait for the "lesser of two evils" theory on this crock of shit.

Right! In this day and age anything that a person had in their hands would be construed by a genuine SS AGENT as a weapon, anything in a briefcase backpack satchel or camera would be suspect as a potential weapon, and yet they allow this guy to run up to the stage with what could potentially be a bomb, this is all part of the orchestrated script.




Trump looked over at the Sniper on the roof behind him right before he fired.


Fetzer probably believes it was a real hit. Too bad Fetzer wasn’t there, I heard him say he would take a bullet for Trump, You missed out Fetzer, maybe the next time.

The guy with the fro and hat doesn’t sit or flinch. Seen in wider shot.

Yeah and didn’t he and Steve Jobs not allow their children to use those devices like iPads and phones or get on social media I wonder if they knew something that they didn’t tell the rest of us