if it aint one thing, it another
best track put with it as its what shes known for, another 1 blinded by the scamdemic
I gave it a like, whoops I didn’t realize I was listening to Tic Tok music.
This is a process of weaning the unwanted masses off (now that they’ve served their purpose by casting their spells and prolonged the beast system for four more years of abnormality). That’s why the "ceremony" was moved to the inside of the Capitol building, so that the "unwashed" masses can experience their rightful social standing (outside on the cold) and feel the emotion of abandonment. This way the elite few invitees are directly saying, from within the warm palace, to the emotionally blinded "hero" followers that their blind belief is not wanted any more. While on declarative level (for others to see) the followers will stick with their "hero" till the end, emotionally, on the subconscious level, they will keep their distance, which is what the programmers want - to keep the herd calm and grazing obliviously. This emotional deescalation of the masses also prevents any religious awakenings, the last thing the masters, who are intent on destroying all religions, want.
Thomas Payne wrote that prophets were musician poets.
That’s insane. They do that now? I remember in the UK last year loads of adverts on busses scaring people into thinking they’d have bowel cancer.
LS2 I’m specifically talking about that chit they call me at, with isn’t any better than the pink slime Mickey D’s sold in their happy meals for kids.
Cointelpro circle jerk.
They won’t abandon him, in fact another fake assassination attempt would only further exalt his status as a Messiah/Savior figure, Mr Biggs is likely right about one thing though, there will likely be a religious revival that comes out of this, but it will be a false or counterfeit religious awakening by all those in the charismatic evangelical movement of which Me Biggs is a part of.
Excellent job Jeff
4th generation warfare attack. Plausible deniability
Briggs is now wearing black hoodie, which means he is already signaling to his public on subconscious level that mourning is the "correct" pattern of behavior. His verbal message is that Trump is a dead-man-walking, being killed multiple times in multiple ways in the future and there is nothing people can do to prevent it, but unite in prayer. In other words his task here is to pacify Trump supporters, so that they transition into mourning mode of solemn acceptance of mortality. Their "hero" who fought for the little man has passed into oblivion and there is nothing the poor can do about it, and the new "hero" of the richest caste is to serve internationalists’ interest.. Trump, a long lost hero people themselves brought into existence by emoting through hero’s heroic "battles" against windmills, is dead, New Trump that is to emerge from the ashes is to be a fallen hero rebirthed with "Kennedy-curse", which means that long string of fake assassinations is planned to each distract away prom the previous one, until people give up on and abandon their hero narrative illusion commanding over their lives. This is a classical misuse of hero narrative, a way of telling a story which is invented on the fly to dynamically incorporate people’s emotional changes and adjust the story-line in accordance with the purpose to steer and control people’s future actions and their emotions. That is why ancient Greek masters invented the hero mythology in the first place.
It’s dehydrated pinto beans. Literally pinto beans and salt . I dehydrate food to go backpack camping. Can take food out to eat that would normally require refrigeration, but in its dehydrated state it is stable
Now there called fire tornadoes....Lmfao
i got one as well threw it away fuck that
Relentless efforts by the vested parties to keep the public convinced that JFK was assassinated. All that energy in-vested in order to keep the public within the limits of counterfeit reality by design, endless cycling of self-sustaining and self-referencing power of the dream by the dream-machine (an imaginarium inside public mind) in the hands of the vested powerful parties.
I used to call it dog food back in the day when I did eat it, truth is it’s unfit for any dog.
Richardson’s monitor of freemasonryrn Oklahoma City Bombing was a False Flagrn
get the sample from a dog and let them process it. The problem of course is that they might enforce some treatment on you.