
10 business days is probably what they’re going by .

Record everything you do on this matter . Including the dates when you put the videos back up when they fail to file suit .

Just saw this in my morning news. 6 dead, 9 injured.... good thing they brought the 69 ambulance to pile them all in!

Wow! Awesome! Great work.

For what it’s worth , many academics and fake-ass wanna -be smart people do not hold Wikipedia very high and don’t trust it because anyone can make edits on most articles . Certain biographical articles have a block on them though . I myself have changed many things on Wikipedia that didn’t match up with reality , and have gotten into arguments with some very oversensitive mods on there .

Shit just gets weirder every day!

Well...if it was actually Muslim martyrs, we could just stop sending virgins to heaven. No one dies a virgin so there will be none waiting to reward the martyrs. Done.

I had a feeling this was all a bunch of Bull. Thanks for verifying that.

This guy is a hack at best. They missed everything including the real IP. Thats why we use Amazon so they can get ddos’d and not us. Seems like its doing its job. These guys don’t even know what a dox is. When people release you moms social security number and her physical address and phone number, thats a dox. I come from blackhat hacking, nearly all my life. These people, so far, are a joke. And the day I have to resort to doxxing, I will make these guys bawl. I will show them what doxxing is all about.

I see WAPTEK uploaded a video on YT about 153News & was going to upload a video about Sidethorn. Check this out mate.

As I tell people, the worlds best eyes are on these one eyed monsters here at 153news is useless without you guys. I truly mean that. This is an opportunity that we arent passing up and I am so proud to be a part of the good side.

Means More them Words can say Brother!! I’m only here to Help. I truly believe anyone can wake up with the right proof. Thanks again Brother for all you do for us!!!!

International Jewery declared war on Germany in 1933. Then Hitler and National Socialist Germany showed the world the solution to the world’s problems - they demonstrated how you can transform a country when you get rid of the foreign bankers, and have your own natiomal currency and bank - and when the jews and freemasons are removed from all influential positions… and showed that no ‘gold standard’ was needed. They had the greatest economic and social success ever. Do you think the jews wanted this demonstrated to the world? Why do you think Hitler and National Socialists are the most demonized people in the world - by jewish owned Hollywood, for example.

I just tossed a splash screen linking to this on my yt channel. Hopefully it will open some eyes. Job well done brother. Sleep well! Rest well deserved.

Thanks Brother, I was about to go to bed and wife told me to look into this so I did and With in 5 min I had her freaking out at all the lies I pointed out. Next thing I knew it was morning. Just trying to do my part Brother! Thanks for your support!!!!! Now time 4 zzzzz:)

Surrogates of reality in disguise

Way to go bro! You caught the Ides of March hoax!

Exactly. Please sue me. It would make my job much easier. If they voluntarily go to court that saves me a ton of cash. If they dony take me, I gotta drag them into court so they can fight 6 counts of fraudulent DMCA fraud. Either way we just gotta playby the rules but I wont stop.

Couldn’t watch this video results. :-)