
also, odd that there is not another person in sight behind this girl near this girl around this girl. I mean the entire Rally’s going on she’s being interviewed by supposedly the news and yet there is not one person that crosses in the background that is in the sight of the film. I find that odd

Complete with the Budweiser tshirt.....


Interesting video and thank you for posting it. Not really conclusive. But an odd thing on the roof all the same.

Between all fake and real info floating around out there, here is another perspective from A Wake Up Call pointing a finger at Black Rock and Larry Fink for orchestrating this event. ...

you don’t need to post the whole link, everything from the ’/ref’ part and after is all tracking

I like Max and his videos as much as I like many of yours but that doesn’t mean I can’t call him out when I see him misinterpreting biblical passages, that is what 153 is all about, I do care, with all due respect.

The fake bullet nicked his ear but incredibly missed his MAGA hat? ok stupid people, saved by God to be the next President again for 2025 and beyond.

Good point, were the attendees solicited in advance and screened in advance for this obvious hoax?

I don’t know, and don’t care about those semantics, out of courtesy, I played his whole video.

Trump repeating the Gimpy Gabby Gifford slogan,... Fight Fight Fight.

And don’t forget it was on the 13th...And that was also the 1st thing that grabbed my attention..Nobody ran from bs. I said before..its a win win for all...#1 it’s a distraction from bidens ailments. #2 More votes for Trump #3 more gun grabbing talks . #4 more political violence downplaying roles.

Trump shoot at 6:11 (911)

They were plenty of duping delights in that crowd...They were so into the movie they never left their seats...

Ah...The old Budweiser shirt...I gotta look like the maga type...

great video exposing the lies

For what it’s was on the 13th...Also ...why was he barefoot ? Did the ear scratch blow his shoes off ?

Great analysis ! BS HOAX !

I’m not buying this fake wound as it refers to Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his DEADLY WOUND was healed and all the world wondered after the Beast. .... I appreciate Max Malone and his work on these fake hoaxes and shootings, but I think he is way rnoff base on his interpretation, Does this look like a DEADLY WOUND to you? QUESTION EVERYTHING.

It’s a win win for all of them...#1 it’s a distraction from Bidens health problems. #2. more votes for Trump. #3 They can go after the Ar type weapons. #4 They will downplay political violence. I also noticed the audio of this video sounds like it’s in a studio ...unless that echoing is from your own living room.