
Like all the rest of these staged firsthand character analysis commentaries, they blather on as if they just wrote the subjects autobiography. Alas! I knew him well, even though he was in a different class.

In every fake shooting there is room for doubt, and that is what the perpa-traitors use to confuse people. It’s not a given that no one dies in these events, in fact, it would look rather suspicious if Trump was the only casualty with so many shots being fired. Only three shots were used to solve this mystery, but what about the majority of shots heard on the original video? It just may be 100% non-lethal and staged, but some hardheaded folks are always on the nobody died train, but that sort of knee-jerk certainty goes against the nature of open-minded truth seeking.

You have brain washed me dude I quit my job at the WEF, now what?

One has to wonder what the excuse will be, that the Great Mass Deportations never happened. We should place our bets now, there’s allot of money to be made!

Where is the casualty? Why is no one screaming for a doctor?

Right, Corey Competatore, CC = 33

I hate to throw the meat out with the bone, but David Martin is Masonic scum, bye.

Haha! Total drama queen.

I really don’t think most people believe this. I live in the midwest and am around hunters and construction workers and Republicans. I went to a patriot meeting where there was an operative telling the audience about WEF and HALF of the people there did NOT support Trump. I just went to a county fair with Bigfoot and a demolition derby and although they played LGBTQ and black music instead of country patriotic music but we all know the radio stations are owned by Jews I saw plenty of patriotic attire but only a couple Trump shirts and flags. One farmer/hunter was upset about the assassination and I just said I saw all the Hollywood thumbnails and Idk.... He dropped it. He did ask me if my "Let’s go Brandon" bumper sticker had caused any attacks of me. No... Wait until I put the "Never apologize for being white" with the confederate flag on it sticker. lol He’s older. I think he watches TV and thinks most people favor Biden. In the middle of the country??? nawwww. No one except my entire family supports Biden. God help them and speaking of God, Trump never mentions GOD either. These ziopigs do seem hellbent on fist forcing their agenda on us I must say. Only until we say no will it stop.

I also once thought this event was totally fake and staged until I read the following article and realized that real bullets were indeed flying:

The journalist is in front of a green screen.

In the US assassin’s only use those evil black AR-15 rifles, they never use bombs or grenades, and assassins only come one at a time, there are never multiple assassin’s so these highly trained Secret Service Agents determined that there were no more potential threats, if you believe that you are a numbskull.

I haven’’t seen Peggy Hall for a looooooong time! She is so good! Good call.

I knew this was a hoax when I saw all the same thumbnails on everyone’s videos. Probably taken in advance. Definitely is staged. How did he find this picture?? Priceless.

Great picture. A picture tells a thousand words.

Yes that’s Masonic Symbolism and it went right over my head initially.

Some things went by me. I just watched Peggy Hall and was reminded of the shoe thing with Trump and how it’s a Masonic Tell or calling card, we usually see these in fake mass casualty excersises, so that one went by me where he asked to get his shoes, I hope you will send some of theses glaring examples over to her for tomorrow’s discussion.

That begs the question if his wake up wasn’t just another scam.

Tim Truth does a good assessment on this hoax. ...

The fukn dems fake shit allllll the time why get made it trump does it!?! If it’s done for a good reason to destroy evil so he it! Only time will tell if trump is good or bad cause he can’t say fuk jew n Israel that would not be the art of war! Keepn your friends close and enemies closer is the smartest thing to do! Is the art of war!!! Never let the lefthand know what the right hand is doing! Trump said he will never let the enemy know his plans is smart! I pray he is a Trojan horse to evil and not for evil! Time will tell! I smile at my enemies I will never let them know I am coming!! Best way!! Is trump good or bad idk time will tellll!!! I pray he is good!! People do change Thats why christ came to change the world save it!