
How do the get to comment as a guest? There is no doubt who it is. Time to eject the Troll👋🏼

was this supposed to be a new bridge being installed

there are people who WANT TO BELIEVE .....the ugh is in the facts.........yes indeed some of the games they play have something real its based on......let me use for example what happen in the city of cohoes neighbor was helping another elder neighbor ...tje tried to have the home signed over to them......this was wrong or was when i was young it was a common thing to have a home given to you for the care......but when it was reported on the news they showed a mansion as if that was the home not the tiny decapitated home it was -- its not a story worthy if they can not lie......this is just a tiny example ...this bridge may have been set for demolition some other state ....oh...yeah .....let me tell you about my dad...he was given a ride dying to a local hospital.....a few years after he died another small town paper had his image in that ambulance as a commercial.....i was fuming pissed off...and they belittled me when i called ....the game evil for sure.....if you scrub or photo shop an event that is fucking real...something stinks....its called a lie

Exactly man, I didn’t even go into that. There was one more section of bridge to be added and that Stand could never hold a connection. every aspect of this hoax they didn’t think through. And now they are deleting videos and coming up with stories to cover what’s been exposed. They have done it to me b4

at 00:30 who’s that young lady pulling the gurney? Seems familiar.

Why would they build and put in place this section of pedestrian bridge when clearly nothing had yet been constructed at either end to connect to? Whatever they have planned to build at the two ends the construction had hardly begun. It seems to me that putting this section of bridge in place would be the last stage of the project, not the first. This was a bridge to nowhere and from nowhere. Why such a heavy, wide bridge anyway , just for pedestrians to go from one side to the other? Every large city in the country has overhead walkways spanning wide streets and carrying large numbers of walkers; they are nothing like this. My brief look at post collapse video shows a definite lack of urgency with a lot of people standing around and a handful doing something, possibly pretending. That this is simply another hoax is not out of possibility.

Can you legally obtain autopsy reports without falling into a list of persons allowed to get this information? Although the regs seem to say anyone can obtain a copy of a death certificate that does not state cause of death, the company linked to by FL Dept of Health, VitalChek, does not list Parkland in it’s long list of FL cities, despite it’s being listed by USPS as having 3 zip codes, and has not responded to my two enquiries asking for assistance.

StagedWhirled - he is back on yt

ok now I’m getting somewhere, so how long do you think it took to remove that crane? And how long do you think it takes to get that one ambulance there when they have an ambulance station one block away? Have you ever seen a crane demob? So let me guess now your going to blame the hospital for not getting there fast enough.. They were the first two people sent to the hospital also. And you don’t just get to open up a highway when you want to. Don’t worry I will record that call too. You see I have to know all the steps you have to take and the Saftey and OSHA rules and what it takes to open a highway up with worker above the moving traffic. Not to mention you can’t set up a crane on a 3 lane Highway whenit takes up 2 lanes and let cars drive past without a barricade and signs. Don’t worry I’ll cover that all too. But you specifically said I was photoshopping and faking video.. I want to know what video.. cause I got you against the ropes and the BigPapa Knockout is coming

I don’t think we’re quite on the same page here. Have I, at any time, argued that there were some serious miscalculations and safety issues? No.. no I haven’t. The crane in the road, the stability of the bridge, etc.. were all obviously contractor errors, things that should have been done better, and probably played a role in its collapse. But, that doesn’t mean it was staged... Accidents can happen, believe it or not, and there are people out there, even professionals, that make mistakes, sometimes that cost lives. It’s very possible, and happens all the time. As for the ambulance situation, I’ve seen first-hand two stretchers loaded into one ambulance, on multiple occasions. Depends on the size of the bus and what that bus is meant for, and the situation to which they are responding. Had they need to transport the victims 30 miles away, they probably wouldn’t have loaded two into one ambulance. But, with the hospital so close, it made more sense to get two there as quickly as possible, rather than make one stay behind and wait for another bus. Ambulances can actually accommodate quite a few people, patients, EMTs, and riders alike. To conclude that an ambulance can only hold one stretcher at a time, period, is ignorant. For someone that boasts as much as you do, I would think you would know this already.

And just because now you got me wanting to show how true I am, I’m going to call and record a conversation with OSHA an see what they say about that crane leaving the site. And then I will call the crane company and have them tell me about how long it takes to take that crane down and move it off site. Then I’ll call the hospital and see how long it takes to get an ambulance and if it has room for two men on stretchers. And I won’t stop until your crawl so far back up your puppet master ass that you never come back out again..

I did! I posted all videos straight from the news that you worship so much! Tell me one thing video you say I faked so I can post for everyone to go find. Then you can go back to your sad worthless miserable life and be proven wrong once again.

I would like for you to prove that your theories are true... tic toc

You couldn’t even answer if the Crane was in the road when it fell!!! Please tell me the cars were aloud to drive right past it... or please please tell me how that same crane could scope in and demobilize all before that 1 ambulance got there and fit two stretcher in it.... come on bud let’s hear it

Your damn right I’m real and every word out of my mouth is 100% true. You know why? Because I can’t stand a liar or a fake, and since you can’t answer one question or prove me wrong or live stream me then you are gone from my channel. I will give you an hour more to disprove a single word or ask for more information... tic toc..

Want someone to legally request autopsy reports on the seventeen dead Parkland event victims. If we got that information NOW and found those reports to be just as phony as the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay hotel 58 victim autopsy reports, we could not only stop all this gun control nonsense but I think there is an excellent change of blowing the lid off the entire deep state / false flags apparatus and prevent the next false event from happening.

Want someone to legally request autopsy reports on the seventeen dead Parkland event victims. If we got that information NOW and found those reports to be just as phony as the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay hotel 58 victim autopsy reports, we could not only stop all this gun control nonsense but I think there is an excellent change of blowing the lid off the entire deep state / false flags apparatus and prevent the next false event from happening.

Listened to first hour. Wanted straight Parkland commentary. Have heard the rest many times before.

Damn I miss Barry. his videos were hydrogen truth bombs.

Screw You Lenny