
IF you study all the vids you’ll see a half dozen folks that never even stood up, flinched or moved from their seat.

They were giving donuts away.

I called Jones a roadside attraction years ago when people asked about him. You listen to what he’s got, then move on.

Actually, I can’t tell if it’s man or a woman or if it’s shorts, they are wearing, but either way it’s all the same.

That’s what Fake Biden says in the video. That’s all , it’s sarcastic humor.

She’s part of the rent a crowd, notice the black and white Masonic checkerboard pattern on the dress of the woman next to her, many will blow this off as mere coincidence, but signs and symbols rule the world as Confucius would say or as Manley P Hall 33 degree Mason said, A great veil will fall from the eyes of men when they learn to read the language of symbolism.

MAN ! how many years I endured these "prophetic" utterances’ from clueless unbalanced "Christians" within the EvanJELLYcal branch of the so called "church" of today . SO glad I exited eons ago.

It is misdirection but it does play on the point that clearly there was someone with a gun and no one would’ve NOT SEEN IT. Much like the retard story of Hamas flying themselves into Israel on kites and running off with hostages but keep your cell phone while we are holding you prisoner so you can post to social media.rnAnd the “war” with Russia and Ukraine. Clearly Zelensky and Putin are flaming favors or inverted FTM and are of Lucifer’s coven. That war would’ve been 48-hours tops or it would’ve immediately escalated in to a multi-nation war. rnBut there AREN’T multi nations. There’s Lucifer and the voodoo mason Jesuit, synagogue of Satan semen-slurping androgyne homo cult and there are the remnant of humanity. Lucifer cs Jesus Christ

MAN ! glad I jumped ship from this deceiving clown`s DisIfnfoWhores ship years ago.

They failed but they were created to be failures when they took the oath. And, yeah, as if Biden and Trump and that vile voodoo married to Michael are all flaming faggots and or inverted. Trump, for instance, is not a male! Men don’t grow those fat asses. That’s an FTM tranny as sure as Taylor Swift and Caitlin Clark are men. But humans are mind-fucked. Judgement has fled to brutish beasts and men have lost their reasonrnrnAnd absolutely this is misdirection. If the Kabal owns the money and the media and the military it can certainly pay some punkass useful idiot that will take a few shekels to help build the walls of a prison that will enslave himself!

Except they never have ever counted the votes in any election in this land. They would never let a human take part in the election process.

Who are the most celebrated Americans. The soldiers! The police! Keeping us safe from the Mafia and African voodoo-sodomites and homosexuals and cross-dressers. You don’t like homosexuals! You don’t like cross-dressing psychopaths, you don’t like Luciferian YOU MUST HAVE A PHOBIA!!! An unfounded fear of evil incarnate! Freemasons and the voodoo cry babies and the synagogue of Satan are the most back-stabbing…everything they enjoy on a daily basis was created by humans and this is how they repay humans. It clearly is Lucifer’s forces versus Jesus Christ and the TRUTH and Jesus Christ is losing followers…even those that preach and expound Christian ideas are falling for this shit.

Let’s not be too hasty? You have zero evidence of true wounding or a crime scene and another actor president fist-pumping after being shot. Its so fake its embarrassing. This is the Q, 4-chan fake narrative being pushed to conservatives to get them to believe the shooting was real and that the Secret Service somehow failed.

we can’t make fun of fake shootings?

wow just almost a week after Jones turning on trump over trump lies and more over project 2025........jones also in deep financial crap with sandy hoaxers

Yeah, we know, Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Elliot Rodgers, George Hennard, ect, ect, etc.

Yup, after the initial 3 shots fro the snipers (firing in almost the opposite direction of Trump) the rest of them likely came from the speaker system, as you say like the Las Vegas shooting hoax did.

Why this video? It was fake. Not funny at all.

Jones says "I’m not a drama queeen" ha ha ha

I already posted a response saying it was a repeat from Gabby Gifford speech. "Demaquats WepubIcans FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"