
She is a witch

This could get viral

Massive swelling of the face could indicate an infection of some kind, or some other condition. Could he be in hospital for another reason? Could the parents have received an offer they couldn’t refuse, to make them give their son up to the hoaxers? And the Gonzalez girl, she seemed to be crying because she "had no choice". Is she actually crying because she was forced into participating in the hoax?

I like this guy because he explains the data really well. This is a link to the raw data it seems:

Satan is behind this.. 100% no doubt

The beginning.. Ugh.. Painfully fake

(NO) HONR Network has a secretary named Andy Parker (shot reporters dad perhaps). Also, the registered office is less than a mile from Pulse Nightclub.

The high cost of low employment rates among teenagers. Runnin’ scams for the man. Nice, kids. Real nice. Go do something relatively harmless like slingin’ normal kids. Freaks.

Musk is a poster boy for duping delight.

Hmmm Interesting, Cheers.

maybe if gonzalez poked her eye balls she could muster some tears

like the tooth fairy

this reporter lady is insufferable. Its almost reached comical proportions if what they are involved in wasn’t so sinister.

I don’t believe it. I don’t think sheriff israel would stoop that low he is without question a man with principles and courage and not linked to shady characters whatsoever. /s

he says he saw footage of the first plane hit n just like bush he lied, because there was no footage of first plane hitting. thnx fer vid! glad u are here dialogue

They won’t stop after just banning one kind of gun. By design, children get dumber every generation. We should all Ignore strange children unless they are our own. Acting is one of the dark arts. Never trust or befriend an actor.

Can anyone Smell BULLSHIT!! anymore? These kids are Bullshit, they’re Dialogue is Bullshit, and the worst part of all is people are hanging on every word of it:P JyW a lot of people are going to die because the mass majority of people in this country are stupid barnyard animals, and the sad thing is when the real killing begins it will be justified in the eye’s of the sheep because of BULLSHIT!!! like this.

I just watched the clip posted online thanks for the full version. Throw it in the garbage pile of massive unrelenting propaganda. Gun sales are going to sky rocket. It’ll be great.

This is so ridiculous I can’t stop laughing. It amazes me how many brain dead moron dumb fucks are buying this complete obvious bullshit. Emna built her wings out of shit because that is what she is full of.