
Americans will not give up their guns and the elite know this. What it will do is keep us in constant fear od taking what the Americans truly will never turn in.

We are marching hand in hand to bring the georgia guidestones to fullfillment. Agenda 2030 is in full swing.

Exactly, that was not a 5 operation patient by any means.

You gotten be at least 18 or older to sign the traitor release form.

Well, they’ve also gotta make room for the strontium, barium and aluminium nano particles somewhere.

I can’t believe how gullible most people are to fall for this lying Bullshit!

He’s had eight surgeries already and another one coming up, I say bullshit! The fathers main concern is paying for the surgeries, another hint to donate to us. That eye rubbing crap was hard to watch. How in hell have the morals in this country sunk so low?

The first kid that was shot five times should be in a wooden box? Boy wonder Hogg and His mates who are talking shite should be flushed down the Toilet.

Samantha cries without tears, and laughs when thinking of her dead "best friend." What a hoax. Duper’s delight. Then a long and detailed story whereupon the interviewer prompts her (they must be working from the same script) that she deflected rifle bullets with a little book. What little book was that, Samantha? "Pinocchio"? Then Hogg gets corrected by his director. What a bogus bullshit psyop. too bad so many Americans are such dumb sheep, this has been gin on since Sandy Hook. Google: Sandy Hook Crisis Actors David Wheeler.

Scripted responses, the Asian girl couldn’t even read her cue cards properly. Ridiculous bullshit.

Message here? Be very afraid, kids, so you will cling to the protection of the Police State! Problem, reaction, solution.

The obvious target here is the intelligent kid who questions the herd mentality. Not good for the New World Order.

Obviousyly a satire, but right on target. Notice how these crisis actors are just as convincing as the "real" crisis actors, if not moreso. Shows you how easy such events are to fake.

One of those guys acting at the Pulse had his hair pulled back like this Florida crisis actor Borgas, looked just like him, I noticed it immediately.

No bodies. No blood. No ambulance evacuations. No helicopters. No death certificates. No video of the "shooter" shooting despite hundreds of cellphones and surveillance cameras on site. Empty facebooks for the "victims" except for money requests. No actual tears from the mourners. Perfectly okay "victims" in the hospital in makeup pretending to be wounded. Totally bogus "Florida shooting" was a post-drill crisis actor media "Wag The Dog" hoax to create a slippery slope under our Second Amendment rights fought for by our founding fathers and mothers. Just like Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Orlando, etc. (Google: "Sandy Hook Crisis Actors David Wheeler") Are you a patriot? Do your love your country? Do you have an open mind? Then view David Hogg screwing up his teleprompter lines about alleged shooting narrative and then being corrected by his director by clicking the link to video: and going to 8:34 on that video. Then view footage of High School Shooting Drills, some of the many being conducted throughout our country, often right before or even the same day as so-called “actual shootings.” Then view proof that David Hogg, the well-spoken, well-scripted anti-gun “victim” of the “Florida high school shooting” actually graduated from a California high school in 2015 by clicking: Then copy, paste, and forward this post to everyone you know and vow to protect your country from these traitorous frauds and their gun-grabbing New World Order handlers and take back our country now! rn


So good to see your truthful videos again after Youtube proved itself to be a traitor to our country and humanity. Youtube has totally gone to the weasels now. But you live on, and teach on. God bless you!

I remember that he give him a copyright strike for that jacket, Robin even talk about that in a video. And I trust you when you say that MR play a BIG part in this.

Good shit brother. I got some plans in the works. I will email you in a few

I’m a student of speech analysis and body language. I used to watch your videos on youtube. Welcome aboard and keep up the good work.