
Shot 5 times just like the blackish tranny’s book deflected the bullets.

Has any of you tried to ask around in person, live, amidst a group of unknown people what they think about David Hogg?

Tx Buddy. Yeah my wife mentioned the gay thingy when editing.. who cares as long as i ain’t forced to participate.... or watch.. or think about it.. peace

The question is: if you can do it with crisis actors, CGI and thermate, why do you want to use a missile which makes the CGI a lot harder to do and needs a lot more people to commit treason?

No Thank You! - Texas authorities have busted what appears to be a ritual animal sacrifice at a San Antonio residence. At least 11 people were arrested on animal cruelty charges. - -

Breakfast With Blassie was excellent by Andy Kaufman.

oh thats rich.

David Hogg reminds me of a "Pencil Neck Geek". Look up the lyrics of this 1970’s song by Freddie Blassie and it fits Davey to a tee!

Man, Q is a psyop, pushing trump . Just more controlled opposition in the hegelian dialectic.

You Rock dawg.. the freaking crane was in my face from the get go..But the Green Screen..always sloppy..

Lenny Pozner = The boy who cried wolf. If possible, you should file stalking and harassment charges against him

They where part of the crisis actor team. Makes sense...

You guys get way out of hand and in my opinion do a disservice to the truth community saying nobody died on 911. I mean that’s just utterly retarded. They killed people on 911. The planes were fake, yes. Doesn’t mean they didnt blow the buildings up with people in it. Just because all the school shootings are fake doesn’t mean 911’s fake.

Research Rebecca Roth’s work on the art students. They were doing more than that. Research the fuse boxes they had in the back ground.

You nail it. Not only one kid playing theater – all of them! The whole Parkland school shooting is a theater.

Only if Jesus was a lobbyist....

Here is a student suspended for NOT walking out in Ohio school

Very good. Anderson Pooper was reported to have broken up with his boyfriend of last 9 years. I think his gayness is just an act.