
The art of war is is of vital importance to the State.

Emma Gonzalez the NYC actWHORE turned into lesbian ActWhore by shaving her head!

The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. - Sun Tzu

How the hell are all of these kids so old, if this was in the FRESHMAN building!?! Ridiculous!

Tears drainage creates a runny nose. No sniffling. No tears. All the commies and agents send them money. Meanwhile, not a single graduate from that High School will be able to change a water pump on their car. It’s been all downhill since Kubrick died. The propaganda and psy operas of today are truly second rate...destined to become tomorrow’s fake history.

No effing way that kid was shot 5 times, and SITTING UP LIKE THAT with great color and looking great!

He’s obsessed with Jerry! He’s straight Penny! Get over it!

Is this a hobby or your profession? Glad we have you onboard!

Anyone notice this at :58?..

Interesting, especially frame by frame:

He only has 23 followers? Well, there it is. There are fewer people out there supporting this nonsense than the media would like us to believe. Lies and lies about lies....with fake polls shaming you into going with a non-existent consensus view.

Video has been removed

Tell my why, I don’t like Mondays.... Terrorizing your children so you won’t have to.rnrn

Politicians Are Actors – Orson Wells

CNN aires total nonsense it always has. I’m sure these people had nothing to do with any deaths of any children. I wonder how body language analysis would differ knowing that these are actors? Acting and lying are similar - minus the guilt and shame. I’m sure these actors have played in other "made for TV / presented as real" Video News Releases. Otherwise...she’s probably spot on in her analysis.

No its not the sound of firecrackers its actually more like the sounds of balloons popping according to some "students" at parkland.

Yes it’s complete and total censorship with Michael Reszneki leading the way

Yes mostly certainly got much worse since Reszneki started trolling fulltime.

He really is the one to beat. This is actually a great fight for me. We really need a win or two or three or just needs to start. The line in the sand has been 20 days we should know.