
stop this "Hybrid" BS! They aren’t going to get crisis actors then actually shoot the ones that aren’t! Just like Fetzer states, it’s "Ree-Dick-U-lous"

She has a BFA in electronic media from the university of Cincinnati, LOL

walk out protest to have basic rights taken away over a fake phony show event. Maybe now would be a good time to stop this insanity. Ethel makes me proud to be an american

I’m SO HAPPY to see that you’re here on 153!!! It’s really a great place, without censorship, and the people who are running the site, Jason Boss and Henry from From Death to Life, are really good people. I’m looking forward to watching your videos here!!! Thanks!!


Art students were for preparing fake jumper pics. Maybe nothing at all at Pentagon, just a bomb. I agree a couple missiles hit ground at Sville. One missile to deflect into woods.

Israel and kid in bed at beginning remind me of Fina and Colon at Orlando.

No planes but something hit the towers. A missile, imo.

the leg that was shattered doesn’t even appear to be in medical dressing. Its an act.

Love it. Thanks

Good God...I’m in the wrong business. I want to be a crisis actor, that way I can be rich and famous!!!

Probably the most famous brown jacket in the world for the moment.

When Snowden released what he released, the alphabet gangs had control of everything. Googles they tapped from the network topend. Google and all were complicit in giving all of our data up. Google has a project called Kansas which when I worked there was 22,000 computers strong storing personal info on every human in the world. Its job was to permanently know everything about all of us.

The kid on the left is very dark skinned, how did he get lighter? and why is the FOFRAUDME Photo from the 90’s?

they had to cover their faces so we wouldn’t notice they were in all of the scenes

this is Dan Rather’s revenge for being disgraced with his bogus news story. Now he is raizing a crew of new zombie journalists who will dedicate their lives to fake news.

However, anytime ANYONE ever brought up Sandy Hook to me, they all AGREED it was FAKE! Now maybe it’s cause I’m around Contractor’s most of the time, and guys that shoot guns, that puts me around more people that can see thru the impossible shooting stories.

You know, I’ve had pretty good luck when someone asks me about a mass shooting in the news. I was on vacation in AZ, during Vegas, and these gay guys at the condo were outside cooking with me and asked me what I thought. I laughed, and said "No FN way, it was all Fake". Those 2 guys were the only time I encountered anyone that really couldn’t believe what I was saying could be true. Just a couple weeks ago, a lady asked me at my daughter’s dance about Parkland. She was open as heck, and really sucked in everything I said and THANKED ME! She even wanted to go out for coffee later for catching up on more FAKE Events, and she was genuinely serious! I told her I was sorry for waking her up from the Matrix though.

When I tell people about Sandy Hook they don’t want to believe that little children were not shot to death. Instead of rejoicing about the news they attack the messenger for bringing them good news.

Indeed...America has become a cess pool of demons. :(