
Also there’s this creepy ritual animal sacrifice story from Friday somewhere in Texas: ___ Eleven men and women were arrested.

Thanks for watching!

and he became black

Doesn’t seem to be a match with the hipster lady from NYC. She seems to be straight out of Torrance California like the lesbo gangster she is.

Check this out: ____ Happened late on Saturday though.

doesn’t look like a match does it? Unless Borges face swelled up.

This body language stuff is pseudo-science. Even lie detectors are unreliable, let alone this stuff. Don’t fall for this nonsense.____PS: Eva Bartlett is for real, but you won’t learn that from reading her body language.

Weisburg? Weisberg?

Weisburg? Weisberg?

the posner saga continues. Its all seems to tie into the CIA who amazon is beholden too.

Looks like they needed a legit looking victim after the story fell apart. By the way, Patriot fan from way back

What false flags going on in Austin, something regarding a "Mason Family" and "Bombs"

Scott Beigel was a full time camp instructor at Camp Starlight in Pennsylvania. Camp Starlight is 100 percent Jewish Camp. They hide it well though. Even from prospective staff.

What false flags going on in Austin, something regarding a "Mason Family" and "Bombs"

LOVE your commentary BTW

Great infotainment from 60 minutes of propaganda! I have a video coming soon too, LOL

Dan Rather was all over that kid, go figure

the arrest "report" said Cruz was 131 lbs and 5’7"

no, do you have a link?

HAHA , I wonder who paid for all those followers on twitter