
Well, not only am I personally thrilled that you aren’t rolling over, but if I had a law degree I’d even fly over there to help with the case!! This guy is going on since 2012 hassling people. He’s a horrid little man and all of us are with you!!!

Oh and if we wanted to ignore these we would just grab a load balancer from some country that ignores DMCA requests and have it as our main point of origin. At this point I wanna see what Lenny has prior to going further underground. He has bested some of the worlds best...he looks like a king bully...a coveted prize to those who can take him down. So lets stand in our home land first and see if he is ready to go to court...I am.

jefferies is a joke. I have seen plenty of videos proving that these people have shown zero signs of true grieving. Jefferies is lucky i don’t use stasibook and came across that discussion. Its a growing and damning pile of evidence.

Missile at the pentagon, bomb Shanksville PA, towers and building 7 were pre planned explosions. ZERO PLANES. The cut out in the towers to look like a plane were made by pre planned, precisely placed and timed explosives placed by Israelis Mossad posing as art students. Simple as that.

Well if we want to be in the United States of America, Amazon would simply shut down our little load balancer and we would go find another one. When this happens to us on youtube we have a 1 line response on why this shouldn’t be dmca removed. Youtube rarely lets the video stay. What we know now is we actually have a bit of due process. We know we have to respond within 24 hours and after that response they have 10 days to sue me to keep this video down. Truly youtube almost marched us to our deaths. We might be a little bit to late but at least we are doing something.

Well the next 20 days are key. We will see if Lenny wants to keep these videos down by fighting me in court. Up until now, Lenny gets minimal resistance at best. We have a beast system Google running the world under a banner of don’t be evil while they silence us to the point of our extinction. Lenny probably thought I was gonna roll over for him like the rest of the Internet but I won’t and the more he files DMCA takedowns, the more ammo I have against him. The war is truly being fought these next 20 days. Will he take Boss to court or not.

These people at jewgle could care less about free speech. There is already a mass exodus underway. They no longer provide the service we are looking for so forget them. They are extremely arrogant for asserting themselves as the end all be all internet purveyor. I hope this blows up in their faces in the most glorious way.

The truth is light to these vampires

LOL This is a new record for you Benny. Can’t bully these people into censorship? Looks like they’re winning, must make you rage. Huh Benny? Gulp that bottle of liquor and lite up a joint Benny. You’re going to have to get use to getting Rekt and nobody being scared of you LOL

I agree 153Neews is not infringing on copyright. This is the main issue. So what’s the penalty for ignoring harassment?

Yes it sure is. My main channel on Youtube got struck off as well. So I am beginning a new one there and here. They didn’t like me calling out some fakery.

Lenny did NOT take down HowIseetheWorld . What are you talking about ? Maybe a video was taken down , but Lenny did not kill Robin’s channel . Robin’s channel were stalked and being mass reported by the severely retarded serial troll Michael Reszneki and his 50 + sock accounts . Robin just never came back after the strikes cleared on his channel . His channel is STILL there on YouTube with all the video set to private .

Makes sense why ALL these ie ’churches’ out here tell you to say this prayer...’nvite jesus into your heart’ and you’ll be are inviting demon into your body when you do that!

Thank you for explaining! Also, reading the comments between you and Hsaive has been really helpful to me in trying to understand this whole thing. The only thing I don’t understand is why Lenny would expose himself to the discovery process in court. I have a couple of theories (his butt is covered by government or judges) or he’ll fail to show up in court like he did with Wolfgang Halbig, or some other sneaky trick he’s got up his sleeve. I don’t know if you saw my comment the other day, but I’d said that after I’d shared the video about the class action, I tweeted the news to someone I know well, mentioning Honr Network, but not highlighting the name in any way, and within 15 minutes HONR had liked my tweet. They’ve got their beady little eyes everywhere, it seems!!! Anyway, I’m with you in spirit and hope you blast em beyond the moon!!!

Like to see you David Hogg or Vice Interview with Eagles of Death Metal at the Bataclan attack.

This lady has balls bigger than all the men at CNN, FOX and all the others combined.


....and then with new legislation we can get him on the “mental health” train and make sure he will never in his life own a weapon


Cool, is this you doing the body language analysis?