
don’t buy into their omnipotence, but I agree a lot of fear porn around this just how these power hungry oligarchs like it.

Great work as always chuck. Just seeing if I can leave comments here or not . Testing testing. Regards

Can’t produce death certificates yet still have the sociopathic audacity to advocate taking away our rights. These are some sick people.

Were any of these actors on welfare or assistance? (Probably some). You can only work so many hours and still receive welfare. If you have to much income/assets, then you can’t get welfare and assistance. So, I wonder if some of these actors are still getting welfare? I do believe that is a felony.

The lizard of Oz!

Biggest enemy of the truth is the God money. Does their new church have big screen t.v’s , a Jacuzzi, and a hurse with gold rims?!

Later as opposed to sooner.

Or even .... *Leonard "P" Ozner* Chuck. LOL I know LYING Len just HATES his (so called) real name being used. He’s no Pozner, he’s an OZNER! :-)

I love because I can type these two words out without fear of reprisal or my channel getting removed from 153news: LENNY POZNER

@FD2L: is the only channel he has as far as I know. He has another channel I bookmarked but then removed because he’s not using it and it’s been a long time since he last posted something there. He just did the BG check on David Hogg and basically exposed him for the 25yr old fake student he is. I saw a video on Fetzer’s blog however where there’s a guy who has that graduation book with the pictures from Parkland (and not from California) which left me puzzled. I can’t find this video so I can’t verify the authenticity HOWEVER I remind ya’ll that Hogg is supposed to graduate this spring. ;-)rn(Mama mia the mistakes they make!!!!!)

And all is fair in war 😀

Just checked.. Bob Hogg AA pilot since ’87. What is David holding in birthday video "being shot"? Book of some sort?

I see Elain Hogg’s husband Bob is a pilot for American Airlines. I just wonder how long he has been a pilot. If before 9/11, I am sure he knows no AA crashed.

Yep .

This is war .

Good one !

Ho Lee Fuk I agree !

Elon Musk should hang by the neck until dead and then rot on the vine !

We sure hope so !

Yep , scumbag filthy liars swimming in a Wilson County cesspool !