
You will do nothing but get bitch slapped, punk ass.

Love it,,, it going to piss Crazy Lenny off

He asks if it’s possible for these things to be put out with no one finding out about it, as if the millions of us that are aware don’t even exist.

People talk about "court of law" but I doubt if we have one. If so, we would have already hung the 9/11 perps.

Vice were complicit in the Paris Bataclan Fraud as they interviewed Eagles of Death Metal.

I see now wittle Davey got a sling shot for his wittle birthday gift. He should have used that at Parkland to nail Cruz. Wouldn’t that have been a heroic story line. David Vs. Goliath Cruz.

I have to go thru decontamination after watching the video.

Check out Snafu Bar video on Elaine Hogg.

Put it this way. Dave’s cousin Emma graduated from NYU. Dave looks older than 18 in CBS cast picture of crisis actors. Most likely David’s post high school has been scrubbed. He might even have statted right after high school working with perps for a future event. I don’t know what year he graduated. However, if the video of debate partner is accurate, then Dave is 25 and graduated probably in ’10 or so. Emma is probably close to.same age.

The kids aren’t alright.

Power to the people!

We all need to work on our descriptions. Google indexes everything here, might as well use them while we got them.

Can I file a DMCA against Google for using my pics, lol? I am glad they are on Google. Along with everyone else’s work 👍✌

Its interesting to see the power a bunch of losers wield...only because of youtube. In less than 6 months we already have 12 major crimes from their ring leader. Youtube let us get slaughtered.

Good old Harrison. He’s a real pro but I heard he’s hard to work with. Never enough fake blood for that guy.

Jeff: I want to start dating. Is Shannon Hicks available? I got a fire hose that can exstinguish her flaming love. I have gone to see a movie. The Sandy Hook movie. Gene Rosen forgot his lines in the movie.

It is only my suspicion, but if any Hogg family videos were left up anywhere, it was for a reason.

I keep reading claims that David Hogg had already graduated high school back in CA, but I have seen no proof. Does anyone have any links concerning this?

I’ve saved like thousands of videos locally. We NEED to make a documentary about PSYOP and Hoax shootings conducted by DHS, FEMA capstone. We need to talk about sandy hook and dear wolfgang were great docs, but there’s so much more to all of this.

Interesting that Kevin Hogg was stationed at LAX when they had that suspicious shooting in 11/2013 : -- then he "retires" from the FBI to Broward Co., FL and they have the Ft Lauderdale Airport shooting hoax and now this. I’m sure it is just a coincidence.