
New rule: Lenny must always be prefaced with Lyin’

Listen to this on my work today. Time code. About the Garbage pointer-outerer –

TheVoiceof Reason, are you sure it was because of my post? lol Oh well, thanks for taking one for the team...again

I just loaded this video url up with Firefox and had no problems

Good work! No stopping until the Sandy Hook losers are in prison for fraud! How many millions of dollars have they stole. We know how those low lifes work, they want everything. Anyone who can’t see through these psyops needs to get off their psych meds and come back to reality because they will be first to go the FEMA camps.

We are growing trees brother and you will be swinging from one when we catch you.

Man, You Sandy Hook losers are still trying to sell this long debunked fake news conspiracy theory?rnThat’s very sad. Nobody believed your conspiracy shit for 5 years ago, why would they care to know?rnYou should move on with your life.rnMaybe move out of moms basement, start dating, go see a movie....whatever.

How can people watch movies like ’Gravity’ or ’Saving Private Ryan’ (just to name two) and NOT understand that this visual trickery is being used 24/7 on the ’news’?

Is anyone else seeing this? This is the only report I am getting. And I do see your reports, I just cant duplicate it. I almost wonder if your somehow still seeing old dns or something...

Reporting, 153 doesn’t load on FireFox (again), sigh.

Man this is filthy. I need to take a bath after this.

They were all saying I love you. Sounds like a whole bar of drunks. I love you all!

I grew up on that show! No wonder I have a whacked sense of humor.

Just like Leslie Neilson in Naked Gun as ump, "steeeeeeeee-rike one.."

Cidereye: everything these actors own is govt provided and monitored, imo. And I mean everything.

I think there ought to be a list up on a website highlighting these websites so we can refer anyone to them who doubts how the Sandy CROOK mob operate.

All roads lead to Len. Protecting the lie and the $$$$$ fraud. Oh and don’t forget their free houses. Kerching !!!

What you described are the crisis actors’ recent purchases minus the Hurst. 😉

Another nasty shill is Surf Purzel. She of psuedo German accent who lives in GA according to FB page. Snafu Bar knows who she is as well. Purzel close with Lenny.

I debated Peter Walker the shill on list. Nasty troll who works with CW Wade.