
Everything these demons touch turns to shit .

No doubt about it !

Same dogs and at the Dallas police shooting also , poor dogs touched by demons ...

Something just weird about the hogg family tree.. I was looking at pics of grandma hogg last night and she looks like Jimmy carter with a wig on. The photos of hers seem like they photoshopped david into it, and a few others of her had that vibe. Dunno I wanted to sleep on it but something seems strange about it.

Just another synagogue of it. Strength to you bro.

Kids are in a war for their minds .. Ala Fakery, why not babies join and fight the good fight! thanx

The video Scott mentions at about 30 minutes in regarding the ban guns and brainwashing rally. Pretty sick stuff

They are THE WORST!! Lenny has 26 different websites dedicated to harassment. 26!!! Those people have severe problems. Mental problems.

So Jim is stating the people were shot with Sim Guns? I can’t agree with that. As much as I love the man I can’t see the point of doing that. Nor the Emma being 31. Other than that I agree.

Good work. Very good work. If no students got in then he surely didn’t. Jim and Wolfgang should look into that further and spread this info.

As in they know the "victims" are not injured.

I remember a therapy dog with one of the vegas "victims". The look on the dogs face was priceless they know eh.

Even the Therapy dogs are corrupt

where was Emma on Feb 14?

the NRA membership and gun sales went way up

He should open a school so we get better crisis actors in the future hoaxes.

please do david hogg n ella gonzalez! appreciate yr analyses!

excellent points.

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