
love that music!

Sum Ting Wong with that Chin!


Hahaha, nice music.😜

Those Hoggs really know how to hog a show.


Lauren’s chin isn’t half as skinny as her brothers. That skinny chinned prick!

Too bad the maker Eric Hunt did a 180° on revisionism and is apparently down with the official story. Wonder what happened to him, perhaps he was threatened.

JL. You are right on the money again. The tv is a trojan horse fraught with jews. I call it the jew transmitter menace. Meep them coming

I know this is all fake but, what if Hogg did the Isabelle interview and then added in the Alex View interview to run the stock footage over. Usually the beginning of the interview the person being interviewed are asked their name and permission. The voices don’t sound the same at all to me. I would just hate to see people run with this and then they produce Alex View all of a sudden. Love your work, not trying to argue, just asking questions

I love this video! My daughter and I have watched this over a dozen times in the past 6 months, and we laugh our butts off every time.

Wouldn’t surprise me if those dogs came from Gene Rosen’s Trusty Pet Service, LLC. can’t make this shit up, and I remember seeing a picture of him with a cat that had one eye. Creep

I wonder if they have a horrendous Terror Attack coming up?

Must be the beer up here, but I see most people calling BS on all of this up here on Social Media, etc.

The Hogg & Phoney/Dog & Pony Show!

Governor down to the local District Attorneys and Constables in Texas are 100% corrupt , every last one of them . There will be no justice brought upon any of these hoax participants in a courtroom . The people must hold court under a strong tree with many limbs .

Thanks so much ! The problem is that every court in the United States is corrupt to the core and there will never be any justice brought down upon these demons in the traditional manner . We all know the only way this can end .

They are the kind of people (Jews) that will get their money thru loads of life insurance and liability insurance, which I’m sure they doubled and tripled coverages on weeks prior just like 9/11!

His alleged dead daughter was really a niece who’s mom and sister live in California! He’s a lying satanic sack of shit! He will never admit Jesus gave his life for our sins! He and the rest sit up there and claim Satan killed him. If the people that donated money to that lying POS ever find out the truth, I hope they take his azz to the cleaners AND then have the State Attorney General file money laundering, fraud, and wire transfer fraud charges on their azzes!

Sane Progressive said that on the list of what this Cruz guy was charged with, there were no victim’s names next to the individual charges!! Wtf?? You can’t just say one count of premeditated murder without saying "of Suzie Smith, a female, aged 18,blah, blah, blah" They always write the entire information about who someone is accused of murdering next to the charge of murder. Just like what you’ve just said about the weapons. Such a lack of professionalism in an event that is unfortunately having this huge impact. Nothing like "kids" (even if they’re 25!) to tug at the heartstrings!!