
Thank you for spreading real news unlike the zionist kike media.

Miss you on Youtube, hey, but then again my channel got the boot as well. Oy vey!!

I would love to post... These men are greatness..

Bunch of con artists. Anybody who isn’t even the slightest bit suspicious about Parkland, the event and its citizens is a bit simple and should be taken into care for their own sakes. Sheesh, this one is sooooooo obvious it’s laughable!

Until I see empty shoes lying around, I know it’s a hoax. No problem. But, once I see random, empty shoes lying around, I know people died. It’s probably something Rachel Maddow said...or I’m a podophilic pedophile. ..whatever. It’s all about teenager’s shoes! Bottom line, it’s a damn good thing that we spend so much time and money preparing for drills because, you can never be too prepared for a drill...especially with all that DHS grant money at stake. The Soviets pulled this type of terrorism crap on their own people, too. And, people cried when Stalin died...Or, did they? Go figure.

I wonder if they will use these same actors down the road on another psyop?

I’d love to be the manufacturer of these see through backpacks right about this time!

No. I’m concerned for him too. His last video was about 6 months ago I think and his channel is gone now.

Elvis Jagger-Richards .. The Walmart lady told me NONE of the students from the school got in. If by some miracle Cruz got in .. he couldn’t get out to walk down to McDonald’s. My guess is .. Walmart is probably plugged in to the schools alarm system. Wolfgang might know for sure. He helped set up the system.

I bet Elon Musk is a made up character. I bet the Paypal wealth is all a lie. I bet he is related to Werner Von Braun.

I love your closing picture of that baby in the karate position. ❤️

A couple of months bathed in intense short wavelength UV light unfiltered by the atmosphere will age the paint 50 years and completely degrade the interior....if any of this was real.

Of course, they never mention that they will be armed when they come to forcibly jack your weapons and what kind of resistance that will ignite. But, in the meantime, the 0.00001% are happy to profit from increased gun sales fueled by fear of gun confiscation in the wake of shooting hoaxes. Until they drop the hammer, we are all playing into the fear porn...we are all part of the show.

Never trust anyone under 30. I can’t believe I just wrote that.

Nice to see you back, any chance PK will be coming here as well? Youtube has gone full Nazi on Truthers, and gun owners.

Your civil servants and military, your hospitals, your federal employees, are dirty hoaxers. Yes. Start there! Undeniably brilliant simplicity.

As Americans, we demand better hoaxes!

Here’s the posting -

Love that snippet from your first link there.. "you only knew it was real by seeing it on the news.."

...and backed by the full faith and credit of the government that issued it. Thank you taxpayers. "We’re not actors. We’re students"