
Niven1rnThanks for that info.

thats probably also what the heavens gate cult said to each other before they drank cyanide.

I hire people to deal with people like you. I am coming for all of you. If I had a penny for every time someone threatened my life, I would be rich. Whats really sad is I havent even really begun and you guys are all raving like lunatics. Without even trying I already control 7 of your Facebook accounts, I watch everything your doing. You guys are kids up against a hard core fast paced business life never quite warrior. So far your idiot boss has comitted 12 felonies, fully documented. When I start the discovery process and start subpoena’ing people from your group, you will remember this talk. Lenny isnt gonna stand with you. He will turn and we are gonna unravel you one subpoena at a time. Oh did I mention your hanging out on my server infrastructure. This isnt youtube boy, you have a soldier of YHWH coming for you and your gonna have to be awesome if you wanna beat me.

Got a new web domain exposing you as a pedo. Watch for it, inbred boy loving son of a whore.

Yes. Very scared of broke back begging inbred white trash who breeds his daughter and forces his son to blow him off. Suck shit. You want a bullet in your head come anywhere near me and threaten. Stay talking shit pedo garbage.

I saw that video. You have got to be kidding me. You didn’t even swear in it. We are in a battle you are right about that.

Even more juice at the Pasco County Fl website. Looks like Traxware may have had a half million dollar judgement against them in 2008

The 100th Monkey is 2 steps behind and following into sync.

Wow , truth central !

Excellent !

One slight problem. Worlds largest free standing Army are Farmers, Veterans of Military or Policing. Law abiding gun owners, bikers and Gang members who know who cowards are. The 100th Monkey knows this and is free.

Great work!!

In the late 90’s, Lyin’Lenny owned a company called Traxware in central Florida. It can be found on the Hillsborough County Clerk’s website that he changed his name from Eliezer Pozner. That might be a good name for background check. My info can be verified at Hillsborough clerk site and sunbiz dot com

Great video!! Sandy hook 100% False flag!!! Keep you the great work!!

Totally different level of scum. These guys are disposable henchmen who are tossed under the bus when the bus comes a rollin. Lenny or whoever he is, under oath of perjury swears we were committing copyright fraud...12 times. There is already legal precident for this exact thing...and the guys like Lenny lost 125k per count. Whats hard to figure out is damages for having these videos down while we fight these. How can you calculate the cost of this perpetual lie?

I havent even warmed up yet. Know me because I am gonna catch all of you in the court of law and you can see what discovery is all about. I have destroyed much harder groups than you guys. I love war, especially against demons. It gives me reason to live... congratulations you guys are now my addiction and I go all in.

Chief Phillip "Arreola" lol. I read the book about Jeffery Dahmer just before he was killed...although it’s probably all BS it’s still a good story! He lived at Apt 213 Oxford Apartments.

The Sandy HOAX CROOK CREW like you stole millions of $$$$$ through a web of lies. You’ve been found out with your pants down sonny and we want that money you stole paid back to the good people that fell for your lies. Insult us all you want but we are going nowhere until mission accomplished!

Bring it traitor. I grew up a certain way and have taken mountain tops most men wont climb. If I have to die for this cause, so be it. At least I died like a man, and not like you cowards. You sold your soul for worldly possesions.

Jeff, if it really was so sad and pathetic that many KNOW it to be a hoax why would you feel the need to reply to us conspiracy nut jobs? Unless ..... Kepp protecting the stolen $$$$$$ Sandy HOAXERS