
I wonder if there are any self driving cars on the road now. Will insurance companies even cover one. How do they determine rates? Who is responsible in an accident? Does the car make a record as to who was steering at the time of a wreck? Wouldn’t the manufacturer have a motive to blame the person in the driver’s street? Sheriff Scott Israel’s latest fame in Florida is nothing compared to the corruption and hoaxery created by now retired Sheriff Dupnik in Pima County Arizona - home of the Giffords hoax and many other fake news productions. Arizona has a very old and established film production community...a mini Hollywood that filmed many westerns/TV shows. News from Arizona is highly suspect and usually bullshit.

The hard disk space is limited so they only want one copy of each video here at 153news.

I believe that many of these puppets have two or more homes.

Note .. The video you posted a short time ago Lenny The CT State Police Officer was probably correct. That video has been removed from YouTube. The channel has been terminated. Comparison photos are hard to find because he knows he’s a half step away from being exposed.

Jenner has to be a photoshopped psyop to fuck with Christians. Cooper is a treasonous fuck of course. High Treason even more than corrupt sold out politicians because without a complicit media corruption would not be possible.

I have thought about this and it’s a possibility. I’m the only person I know of that was able to download it before she removed it. I haven’t picked through the "Florida visit" video for hints on what the date could really be if what you say is true. It’s not beyond their capabilities to make the Florida Trip video from scratch. That is, it could be 100% CGI. Crazy but true. They can do whatever they want in digital movies now. They can insert you and me in the Florida Trip video and make it look 100% real. After I uploaded this video to YouTube Elaine removed her videos. My video was allowed to stay on YouTube for a few days which surprised me. Your guess is as good as mine.

VoR: just found out I won my appeal against FB. I was posting Alexa Miednik FB page to those on KHOU reporter’s page. Nothing at all wrong as I was respectful and just posting a link to the 5 or so questioning the interview. I have fake FB name. I only use FB to investigate.

My last comment on this.If the real truthers are United they can never be divided. it is a Old song but so relevant Today.

Imo, it is almost as if there is a battle between the main auto manufactures and Uber, Lyft and Tesla, for example. The battle for the driverless car or at least the technology. Uber has the so called car hit case, Tesla may be near bankruptcy and Lyft facing problems in Europe. I think you know where I am going on this.

That was AWESOME! Your support means more than you will ever know!

Thanks. I have a couple others outside 153 looking for her FB page. Will let you know.

I havent had a fb accoun in 8 years. Way to easy to get completely hacked ;)

Regarding Surf Purzel (connected to Lenny), her name came to me last night. Tina Wooten. I am banned on FB for now, lol. Look up her name. She lives in Georgia. I think she also uses a middle or maiden name. Look at photos of her holding fish and compare to her on YT site. Could be the same person. If you find her on FB, can you post a link. Thanks.

Did you know Tina Weymouth and Jerry Harrison of Talking Heads assisted SH choir on charting music for them? They live in that area. (Still like Talking Heads, btw)

And Jade Helm used for a lot of staged events.

Snafu: I will put this here. Do you remember when we were battling Surf Purzel? I mentioned she could be a Tina Wooten. I had posted her FB page and pic. Did you save any of that? I am banned from FB right now, lol.

Folks what you are witnessing is the continuation of Jade Helm 15, realistic military training.

Thanks for the views to :) Its worth the .0008 cent it cost me to bring this message directly to the faces of evil.

Funny you mention new material. You are making history with every remark you make. Is your day job to troll for Sandy Hook? In my youth, I would just snap a FUD rat on the IP your coming from and then keyboard log everything, as I rummage through your files, watching you on your own webcam. Now days I fight for the guy in the cloud who you mock. His Name is YHWH. If I didnt know I was part of His plan to exterminate you people, you would already be mine.