
I agree with you totally.

Comparing hogg to Hitler you’re playing right into the disinfo campaign. Remember that ’white power’ salute was a ’black power’ salute a few years ago. The open hand is the Aryan salute of the white race. The closed first is the communist jew salute. Go watch an old Hitler’ll never see a closed fist salute.

power trippin’ lil lyin’ hoglet. reminds me of orwell’s animal farm.

David hogg is groot!

Heil Hoggler.

That guy is a evil demon

Not only out of her mouth, but if you look at the amazon description, it also mentions "flat earth", FUCK ME !

Hogg said it was 2:52 but heard only one shot. The official timelime places Cruz at Walmart at 2:50PM. How could Hogg have only heard one shot at 2:52 ???

Fetzer missed the point on the foreknowledge issue when Hogg admitted the closet interview took place at 9:32 in the morning.... -- Watch this -

Good follow up. As we got even further, we will encounter peter thiel next. I send you a msg here as to much to fit in this box. Well done!!! :)

Dang it brother come back to YouTube. You’re the best truther and you know it . Don’t let them win , I will continue to view your through here . Maybe change your name on YouTube. I don’t know how Richie from Boston does it . But maybe you should ask him how he stays on . You are too important to the movement.

2 chron 7:14 says it all. That means stop worshipping baal aka Nimrod or the hundred of other names.. the satanic sun worship that has plagued our people [christmas, easter, valentines day to name a few]. Learn from the German’s of the tribe of Judah mistake in WWII and tear down the Catholic Church and all the other baal worshippers in judeo-christianity leaving the pedophiles inside to burn. Israel must return back to the law that was commanded. Until then it’s a downhill ride.

In the San Fernando Valley, we call the inland side of the Santa Monica Mountains, "Hanukkah Heights" for obvious reasons. (This includes Encino, Tarzana, etc.)

What can be done though. TPTB control the perceptions of everyone.

I’m not that surprised he’s making a ’miraculous’ recovery, it must be better than having to pretend you’re paralysed all the time. This guy actually had a 22 tattooed over his bee, because of all the 22s- y’know, a 22 yr old (supposedly) killed 22 people on the 22nd, and he, the survivor who was closest to the ’bomber’, got 22 pieces of shrapnel in his body. I remember from Mirror article that he said he was also transferred to a specialist unit on the 22nd of one month, and due for release on the 22nd of another- Absolutely ridiculous story.

I sent you a PM

Thanks for both of these videos about this! They’ve taken my understanding of the subject to a much higher level. I dread the day that all of this comes to Italy!!!

Receiving a Get Out of Jail Card is a major incentive for ponying up to the phoney shows!

Downloading now. Indeed, tag team. lol 😂

Thanks for posting this.