
The problem of flat earthers is that they don’t understand the fact they are genuinely deceived plays against all of us. Ok I don’t understand how it’s possible to believe such a BS that contradicts at the same time OBSERVATION, SCIENCE and COMMON SENSE. All the celestial bodies are spherical one can’t get it why Earth would be different. All calculations on gravity and orbit are made on spherical models because gravity itself is built around it. Objects would fall. The whole science of ballistic, trajectories, speed/time... the fundaments of physics would not work in the flat earth model but they do. On top of that, magnetism is generated by rotation on an axis. Where is the axis in a 2d object? Yet compasses do work. Really it’s a no-brainer and i think it was started by the enemy to lable us all as imbeciles. That’s the problem. These people don’t understand THEY got the propaganda machine and we have the truth. If WE start to say BS such as that, we expose the flank, ALL OF US, for a cheap shot. As usual, think in terms of masses: MASSES believe the hoaxes are real and when the TV tells them we are NUTTERS (and they’re right, flat earthers and gematria BS theorists are completely nuts) the zombies will think that of ALL OF US (which means, discredit, redicule, downplay even of the most solid evidence we have). It’s in these terms we should be thinking now in terms of "i want to prove my theory, at any cost. Wanna prove Earth is flat? This is not the right place, go to a University... you could win a Nobel Prize (but I doubt, ehehehhe).

4:50 what kinda special football are they playing

Since I posted this video, the youtube channel remains up but all 3 videos have been taken down by youtube.for violating terms of service. Interesting that after 3 violations the channel was not deleted.... Also, Sheriff Israel’s campaign website has been taken down.

No. ....3 different recordings edited together. Read the discription... Since I posted this the youtube channel has been deleted and the Sheriff’s campaign website has been taken down.

Hello Michael , you little bitch . Lol

This Jeff seems like it’s really that severely retarded serial troll Michael Reszneki .

Was this recorded the same day? holy shit , have seen crisisactors act better then her

Kind of an insult to Adolf. I know its a joke but Hitler was trying to help his people not F them in the A like this well rehearsed prick

Such propaganda from Disney wow.

Hogg chisel chin

Hey jeff, I take it you do not like people seeking out corruption? What do you do to help the world? Jack all?

I watched some of the recent msm videos of him, and I do think he’s genuinely got some kind of disability because his legs have clearly been underused in comparison with his arms. I think there may be a comparison with the Boston ’bombing’ where they used amputees to pose as victims of a fake attack. I don’t know what Hibbert’s disability is caused by, and how it came about, but I’m damn sure it wasn’t anything to do with a home-made bomb in the Manchester Arena.

LOl..maybe the people that think this March is all natural, should ask how the F**K did they put all this together so fast? Besides the fact that it all looks fake and well known people of walks of life are calling this pathetic crisis actor all over twitter.

It’s a parody..

Conspiracy Granny & Side Thorn have been offering $100,000 reward to anyone who can prove they lost a loved one in over 30+ false flag hoaxes. They have been on location of several of them or in the area investigating shortly thereafter talking to the people who WERE there and never heard shots fired, etc etc... These are the biggest patriots there are in this country. No body is worth more than they are in their weight in gold. The arrest for harassing will backfire. I’ll do my share to make sure it does.



WTF??? WHAT’s THIS??? CONSPIRACY GRANNY & SIDETHORN are in JAIL???? WHAT?? I’m just catching up calling them now!rn

Amen! And thank you for the warm welcome and support. This is great! I love the open exchange already, the fair viewing, and ability to truly be seen and heard. Jason ROCKS! He was so supportive with the technical problem I had and its incredible to be able to talk to a human being who CARES. Don’t know what fixed the glitch but I’m on and it feels GREAT! :) + <3

That was to GShock that I was saying that I agree!!