
One of my skyrim se followers (vera-of the sassy teen mods) has a spell that summons Halbig one of the skyrim ancient heros who manifests in a semi ethereal form and shouts HALBIG!! and proceeds to kick ass...not unlike the real hero wolfgang halbig who I truly admire both as a citizen and a veteran.

Simunition ... How about .. they were shooting blanks and the people claiming injuries are just liars like all the rest in the other events. File a lawsuit against tearing that building down rebuilding.

her real name is posted somewhere, but I forgot what it was, I’m not on FB either

Snafu: like the Twitter because now hopefully her FB acct. might come up to friend. That is how I find out about her in the first place. I deleted her FB intro stuff that had her name. I will find her eventually. I think she also has polish type name in conjunction with Tina Wooten. Like Tina Wooten or ska maybe.

Larry rivera what do you think about the going on in shelter 3 also the 3 hobos look like 2 of them also the picture with the arresting policemen look to have the wrong rifles and uniform and were uniform report ed missing from Dallas police department

Your comment is awaiting moderation. rnI notice the elephant in the living room that neither Dr. Janda or Greg Hunter nor almost every “conservative” alternative news reporter will say a thing about is President Trump’s appointment of neocon and dual Israeli – American citizen and member of the “globalist syndicate network” as his national security advisor. Bringing in these horrible old unjust war mongering neocons who took over the George W. Bush presidency and have basically owned the USA ever since is no way to make America great again!rn

here is my rejected comment by Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog

"Liberal Democrats" do not have a monopoly on this evil. Plenty of the top so called "conservative" Republicans are just as traitorous to the USA. And ALL sides accept as true the basic outline of the official narratives of every false flag event of the last 25 years, and in truth going back much longer in time. All the conservative sites that seem to be supporting President Trump either have not said one word about Bolton appointment or have made only one or two weak perfunctory defenses of this appointment. Another huge problem we have is that we now have to see the wound, see the surgical wound, see real blood and examine the projectile removed in the operating room to determine if there was a "shooting" at all. We should not be forced into defending the Second Amendment until we have REAL PROOF that gun shots were sustained by people.

Glad you said a few things about Bolton. I consider this a big turning point. Notice Q does not even hint that this appointment of dual Israeli-US neocon Bolton.

I remember when the chanel machines were ordered. We hadnt lopped off a head in how many years? I saw the receipt for the guillotine machines and it didnt feel right. :/

FB accepted my appeal finally so I will look for her on FB. The cleavage gives it away. I even called her. She talked normal English and I said I had wrong number. Will update.

I couldn’t find that, Surfpurzel must have some talent....


Denied under hate speech and bullying.

Her last name seems made up.... Rumpf? Like Drumpf

with all due respect...please don’t take Tamiflu....this drug has caused teenagers to comit suicide after just one dose. most flu is viral not bacterial and no antibiotic is made for viruses. please don’t take vaccines either...a whole new level of body and brain harm. thanks for all the work you all do!!

In the first story the guillotines came from Beijing under orders from Obama. In the second story the guillotines came from Mexico while Trump was inspecting the border wall.___About This Website:, a website primarily dedicated to exploring the Nibiru realities___