
Well that was a pointless and stupid video. I guess you Sandy hookers have long since run out of new material.

So glad to see RV making vids again. He is awesome at analyzing these type of things.

Regarding Surf Purzel, her name came to me last night. Tina Wooten. I am banned on FB for now, lol. Look up her name. She lives in Georgia. I think she also uses a middle or maiden name. Look at photos of her holding fish and compare to her on YT site. Could be the same person. If you find her on FB, can you post a link. Thanks.

Regarding Surf Purzel, her name came to me last night. Tina Wooten. I am banned on FB for now, lol. Look up her name. She lives in Georgia. I think she also uses a middle or maiden name. Look at photos of her holding fish and compare to her on YT site. Could be the same person. If you find her on FB, can you post a link. Thanks.

The best info always comes out 7-10 days after an event.

Red Dogg: you would think one could meet their accuser, lol.

I have been contemplating this method for a while now because this was prophesized to be the way the elite nwo gang will do away with Christians. Who can fight the beast? Seriously. not one. As long as the evil controls the MSM, we can not fight against the NWO. We can not gain traction. We don’t stand a chance and HAM radios ain’t going to cut it. For the near nonexistent militia to organize, we need a mode of communication that is able to reach millions. When was the last time any militiamen came to visit your home to canvass your help? We don’t have a well-regulated militia and we won’t have one until the jew run media is overtaken

JEWrassic Lairs = Childish nonsense!

Is there a link to article?

Lies lies and more lies. HEY... still can’t upload hour long vids.

You are one of my faves. HI. I confronted the NOAA about weaponized doppler earlier this year and working on the video but having trouble uploading long vids. CAN NOT.

What happened to your UT channel ?

Exactly. I already know what people will be screaming so its clear I told everyone who was messiny with us to disappear and now their ’mastermind’ is screwed and they pop on here making vulgar attacks. As a young kid I used to fight like they did and it burned me. My entire life has been one startup after another. To this date I have built nearly 70, I have sold 67 and never lost 1. All of these startups involved things old rich men always decided they wanted and for 25 years I have had to fight real monsters off. I justed ended a 10 year battle that cost me 50k and I ended up winning. For 10 years these people tried to destroy me in court. When I was 20 years old, direcTV sued me in federal court for ’hacking them’ 9 months later in Federal Court I was found innocent. These idiots that have never spent a day with the law against them and come and laugh and taunt us here. All we gotta do is lop the had off the snake and that idiot fell into a vipers nest running legal against a private entity.

I have not seen a single interview with any student saying they saw Cruz pulling the trigger....shouldn’t there be dozens of witnesses identifying Cruz as the shooter?

Jason, above all things the one thing they can never, ever accuse you of is of not warning them what would happen to them should they persist with their behavior. Some people are so dumb they really don’t know when they should quit.

And you will never win a 1st amendment case. We need rooms of attorneys for that and we dont have it. Thats why I am gonna take out this whole snake starting with Lenny. He already committed well documented crimes. I told him after 1 or 2 if he kept this up, this was the path. So here we are. Every single battle is different.

I am willing to bet anyone 50 bucks I get a judgement against Lenny. I am not sure I will get him to court but I will get a judgement against him for these 12 DMCA fraud cases. All I gotta do is serve him papers and its over. I have 2 private investigators that already have full eyes on him, where he lives, and what he does. I told all of these people what I was going to do word for word so when I destroy them, I will not feel guilt about their fate. I am sure everyone to this point has stuggled with these wolves, but I have battled and won against real scary guys who had real money. So far these guys are making childish moves and when my case goes to court against Lenny, I have other attorneys who have clients victimized by Lennys crew and once I hace these people trapped, believe me, the hammer is coming down.

Brother, I got this. I have 3 books I hold dearly. The Bible, The 48 Laws of Power, and The Art of War. All three books I have studied extensively. This is a war and in a war they will win a few battles but as long as we win the majority of them we can win this fight. Now people have to realize we are very late in this game. We have already basically lost the game where we are today. We used a satanic platfom like youtube, gave them our content and our subs and they took them all. 6 months ago we had no real options. Today we have a base we can fight from. Will this be enough, probably not. People are willing to fund a hoax charity, but people dont want to fund a real fight. This part really concerns me and has me adjusting the overall model of Brotherman, go take a look at my resume in TVOR2 or here. I dont underestimate them in any way, shape, or form. They have bested the world prior to this fight. That deserves a lot of respect. We will take this fight where they take and attempt to duck and slide and return fire when we can. I told my attorney yesterday that when we all return from passover, I want to be the face all these people have to fight in court.

All I’ve seen in my short time on this earth is people getting paid to lie, people getting paid to deceive. Easily bought men pushed and pumped up with no one standing in their way. They teach this to their children and the cycle continues. The few of us that have honesty and integrity are stuck in slave jobs and can’t even afford our monthly bills.

I stopped watching TV when I was 17. This just reminds me why I made that decision.