
Yep! That’s my part 2 on this. I’m working on it now, but I hope to finish by morning. I’m just trying to connect all the dots. Great minds think alike!

The current social ’climate’ is (and has been for a Lo-o-o-ng time) about silencing questioning. And, the Pyramid scheme begins at Home...sorry to say it.


I am intentionally not removing this because this is battle my friend and your in enemy territory. Like I said, email me and lets destory Lenny beyond what he has already done.

they tell us the truth, laugh, then continue the lies

Jeff its time to let Lennt rot. Save yourself and save that soul. What your doing is satans work and your letting devils and demons speak through you. We are gonna pray for you brother. These people arent your friends. We already have enough to bury him and guaranteed he is gonna drag you down with him. Lets talk

I’m not sure if everybody’s aware of this, but side thorn in his crank or have made national headlines as the poster children for fake news conspiracy nutjobs. Well done you too

Hey side Thorn, when is your next court date? Hahaha

Gratitude! me at and get me a list of questions and I will help you out.

I am hoping! And I have cultured Patience! Thank you.

We understand. Hopefully when this is said and done things will be much easier!

Explain, Voice, what you mean by ’watch the board’? WHAT ’board’? Do I need to be in a special club to see the Board? Luv y’all, by the way.

spot on cassandra exactly what i was raging about. Its all about silencing real dissenters.

These shill fucks are scrambling like crazy because they are being targeted on every front ! Keep it up Jason and I will continue to stir the pot on YouTube trolling the shills until they explode . Payback is a bitch ...

So we really are the small guys. We are less than 6 months old and the software we are using is open source. Operationally speaking we are burning around 2 to 3k a month in backend fees and we just barely setup a pateon fund so people can help with what they may. I already found us a part time coder and the Patriots have their first part time coder. Power to the people for real. He is working on a whole new look and then we will begin the process of taking this software from open source to 153news source. All the cool features and ease of use are coming as well as an Android app. We arent a business so my partner Henry and I pay the backend bills each month and we have to ask the people for the rest. I always figure an angel investor will come our way and fund this but until then its by the sweat and blood of some brothers and sisters who believe in what we are doing. Hope this helps.

I think they are trying to test how gullible and brainwashed people are. The truth is right in front of them, purposefully for all we know, and it completely contradicts the official narrative so how many will still go along with the agendas and hegelian dialect.

Lenny Pozner is Jason’s bitch !

You know I will never go away and stop skull fucking you useless bitches . You filth are mine 4 life .

’Watch the board’....Now here is something that some one who doesn’t upload vids or create content would not Know...rn