
All I’ve seen in my short time on this earth is people getting paid to lie, people getting paid to deceive. Easily bought men pushed and pumped up with no one standing in their way. They teach this to their children and the cycle continues. The few of us that have honesty and integrity are stuck in slave jobs and can’t even afford our monthly bills.

I stopped watching TV when I was 17. This just reminds me why I made that decision.

Maybe this will help speed up the transgendering process for all the Florida crisis actors anxiously awaiting their pre-op preparations for surgery.

How is posting videos and links to videos "assholes really bother and hurt the victims" That would mean there is an injured party, there is not. You can’t even troll correctly. Damnit Jeff (Guest) YOU HAD ONE JOB!

Calling flat earth BS theory...... Sounds like your ass is the one in a deep zombie sleep. Sleep well take some more Rx

This with the 1st Amendment rights is a very viable possibility to hit them at the heart. You shut down my freedom of speech, I press charges against you. These assholes are sellouts and you hit them where it counts: if one is tried for ANY criminal charge, lawyers COST MONEY. Again, the corporations like Google work the same: you attack the "fair use" and that’s a law, you’re violating the law and you get to be prosecuted. Think in terms of propaganda: a giant gets sued, their officials risk jail time... this goes BEYOND U2be, it goes on national TV. On one hand we fight face to face to wake up the zombies and on the web but on the other hand we must use the law to put them in a position they either change the law (and tens of millions of zombies will join our side) or are forced to bribe more and more officials, judges, cops, etc. It’s a chess match but if you don’t respect your opponent you’ll most certainly lose. It is indeed a wonderful time to be alive but if we fight we fight with METHOD, that’s what I’m saying. PLAN, EXECUTE... they adapt, ever-adapting, and so must we.

Just a word of caution: the enemy is well aware of us and we’re all monitored... in public and in private. This enemy is REAL and is made of REAL people, organized, compartimentalized and well paid. They EVOLVE and ADAPT to what we do, they FEEL our breath on their backs and you can expect them to do exactly what they need to do to discredit, slander, redicule any and all of us by taking just ONE of us and associating his mistakes to ALL of us. Think in terms of enemy tactics, not in terms of what’s right or wrong. We are fighting to wake the zombies up and do not have the means to counter their propaganda because they control the MSM and we don’t. The message is clearly for the people like Russian Vids, genuinely deceived by Gematria/Flat Earth BS theories. Stick to the evidence and forget the theories. Use their acting resumes, the database cross-checking BG to show they’re alive, the "coincidences" with relations to FEMA/DHS personnel (and the demopublican party). Use stuff they can’t debunk and ALWAYS respect the enemy. Resznecki must be treated as ENEMY not as a moron or retarded guy and we’re set out to destroy them not to quarrel over forums and Y2Be comments. Keep that in mind.

What are the chances of ever seeing LYING Len P Ozner in a courtroom? We are about to find out! Well done Jason & Henry, fighting against the evil and scumbags like this.

They let you out of your straight jacket again Jeff? Must be difficult typing with it on after all. PMSL

Amen to that Side Thorn. They are too stupid to learn!


I wonder if the reason this video was put up and left up long enough for people to save it before taking it down, was to paint a picture of David Hogg being 13 in 2013. To me he looks no more than 10.

The home in the video is Pompano Beach, but here she says they live in Hollywood: and in the video at -6:30 it says Hollywood. I wonder if they moved to Hollywood from Pom beach?

Chuck P Is there some evidence on the web showing that he was born in 2000?

Unfortunetly David Hogg will never get that chance in court, nor will Lenny Pozner or the rest of the Sandy Hookers.


I see they took sparse unrelated non school shootiung from the past that were in around or unrelated to school functions aka beefs with gangs weird situations etc. Also The 66 Bell Tower episode is one for the books more than likely a false flag, and had strange earmarks all over the fucking place including MKULTRA, the lies of this fake news doc ignored these blatant facts and then lumps in this disproven total hoax ass events in the modern smith mundt era pathetic,

Have you checked out Dave McGowan’s breakdown on CTM? It’s excellent as well. Peekay and DITRH went back on CTM again for more on the bombing, but that one wasn’t as good, they had some slides ordering issues. rnrnHere’s the McGowan chat:


You wish cocksucker I am there to skull fuck you demons 4 life !