
Dont forget the new china petro dollar. :/

Should see the whole thing. He is spot on. The reason I only posted this part is to see whats comes next. I am looking for a new as "new fake" news program/corp to pop up and he will leave fox for it. This will drag many good guys who see thru the bs to new show and then the bs will stat again. IMO.. not much else makes much sense for him to blab out like this censor free.. AND he IS reading it.. so its a script.. IDK.. time will tell.. t/y Comments JG

Be careful , I smell a setup.

Harold, that’s not his birth name.

Even those in the service of evil have their interpretation of karma -- they must make their intentions and actions known (even in very coded, symbolic and obfuscated ways), and then the ’bad’ karma no longer belongs to them, but those who do not look and question....

Thank you so much and we couldn’t agree more !

You are the best , thanks !

Peekay, Side Thorn, and Kick-Ass Granny all in the same VID!!! I think I died and went to heaven! Keep kickin’ ass y’all!

Thanks so much , he sure is a confirmed pussy and one worthless piece of trash .


I used to think I was ’safe’ because I live in a very rural area and get my water from a spring.... BUT then I realized that there is all the sh*t being sprayed over us and seeping into the water table!!!!

In response to my own previous comment, I sent this to some one who has and uses one of these apps and YES this is serious, NOT a spoof!!!

I saw his Twitter account, and all he does for a living is have people mail him their ECMs and he reprograms them or something like that. But if you look at his YouTube channel I think it was... or maybe one of the images he uploaded to Twitter, he has a screen cap of a video game and says that Grewvin is is gamer tag and pretty much how he identifies himself all over online. They recruit from Facebook, craigslist, probably GameFly or Steam or whatever popular gaming hub is going these days. Nerds. Geeks. Cyber warriors just like in the Army recruitment ads on TV.

I applaud you. As stated on YouTube you are. A martyr who saw a necessary step. We can’t just share videos to each other constantly. Boots to ground is needed. Pitchforks? Maybe not yet, but breaking that wall was a necessary step and these two did it for us all. Even the innocent sheep who don’t even realize it. They can twist this story once, maybe the next one too. But if we all continue with this attitude what can they do? You don’t even need to film just know in your heart what you’re doing. Its great to be alive. Amen

I can’t believe his sidekick is literally a politician now.

Art Interesting take... Love Dr. Fetzer

She is a drag queen ! So many of them .

So many drag queens .

I’d herd gutfield was a idiot, but I’d never experienced this! It’s TRUE!

Thanks Zombie , you are the best !