
Total neocon control on this. Russia is not US enemy. They are both in this together. Ever wonder why Russia never blew the whistle on US on 9/11? I remember Genie oil from last year

Bingo! Stop killing our KIDS for gold-oil+drugs!

It is unfortunate that the dead soldier probably died in the middle East (just guessing). She should be just as pissed off at the fraudulent actions of our government cost that soldier his life.

Austin: thanks. I will look into it. I am a music/sports person. I like Mac with Wings and some solo work. Of course a lot of Beatles. Sometimes it is hard to separate the music enjoyment from conspiracy matters. But I feel I should look into this as a matter of respect. 😀

Correct spelling: William Shepherd (Billy Shears)

The new guy was much taller, so after Paul McCartney died Beatles don’t play live anymore. They became a studio band. And growing beard, so everyone would look different, not only Faul. Why do you think George and John call the new guy ’Faul’ – even in interviews? Replaced by William (Bill) Shepherd ’Billy Shears’. There is also a video when William meet the record company and present himself as William. Do you think that Paul McCartney would do that? And why do you think Paul McCartney be knighted by the Queen twice? And Faul got in trouble in Japan when the fingerprints don’t match. But MI6 helped him out.

I usually figure the major events take 3 years to set up. Sandy Hook even longer. I would not doubt that all events to include Aurora were on the drawing board before 9/11.

TheTruthIsSweet. ’Any links to Stones and others knowing about this?’

WOW! Rat bastards! Good Vid.

Today I’ve shown some more people the chemtrails they’re spraying. You can’t believe they all say you’re right God I had never noticed. What’s going on is fake news to hide the truth...quiz shows, talk shows, sitcoms, tv-series, fake news... it’s all distractions but the people are there, we can wake them up and change things for the better. What’s worth dying for, it’s an entire planet we’re saving. Look at those psychopaths dropping fake chem bombs to cause a war. What the fuck man... isn’t it the same? LEt’s fake shoot 20 kids, let’s fake mow down 100 people with a truck, let’s brainwash those zombies... eeeee but they forgot WE have a say in this: NO. Fight guys, take the cell phone with you, SHOW THEM the evidence in a way you can’t be stopped, can’t be censored, can’t be trolled. Show them the wiki page of the Pulse with time of day, then show them "Norman Casiano CNN" on Youtube and make them look at the date of the video with their own eyes. What could they possibly say... that you’re a conspiracy nutter? At that point you could very well ask them to prove their words and get shot and see if they can go on TV the next day, what do you say... it’s win-win situation.

Russ Redfern made a cryptic comment "that’s not the birth name", Does anyone know what he’s talking about?

I altered the title and sure someone gonna say clipbait but.. obviously, this needs to get out. someone somewhere needs to break this into mainstream. sooner the better. NOTE all the fktard under commission behind this. SAME FKN guys, same agenda and same sht over and ovr.. 20+ years now this crime syndicate been doing this. Enough is enough.

Right on man. Well we dig in heals and keep forward. Not sure if there point where the fluoride has taken complete control yet but let hope some folks are awake. Forgot to say a huge TY to CG as well. always consider you guys a team.. no dis but plenty of respect for you both.

thanks! Check out the latest 3 Parkland ActWhores that I just exposed on my channel! You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting an actor/entertainer, media hack/writer, or Fed paid Protester

Thanks! We need to let everyone know the liars that they are putting out in front of us as the face of this Astro-Turf Movement!

Perfect! Thank you, I will be sharing the shit out of your videos.

I listened to interview and one thing stood out. The five constables versus only one required by Wilson County. If these constables were borrowed from another county, do they have the right to act as a constable in another jurisdiction? Then again, could just be a bunch of actors. Fascinating interview.

This was formally Red Dogg Truths account.

Hi, good to see you over here, are you finished with YouTube? Take care.

I use YT for a lot of viewing not related to this site (music, sports). I use FB to bust perps but under fake name.