
Love you brother , tell the family we are thinking about them !

Yes , we would love to see him over here at 153 .

it sounded like 2 different guys to me

Thanks Southpaw for all your support !

That is okay the name and the topic have been seeded for the first time ever in the sheep’s minds .

be sure to get an account with Jason! thanks

Everything is being documented with our attorney and his time is near .

Thanks so much , we are going to haunt this bitch 4 life ...

Excellent , record him if you get a chance !

There’s an uncanny a similarity there and not just in the look ...... I also think he could have Christian Bale’s DNA in the mix too.... great find...

that is a ridiculous photoschopped pic of "Noah" too! His head is way too big compared to his warped hands.

Exactly !

Excellent , let’s fry this piece of shit !

Hey Side Thorn, shouldn’t these recordings be going to the police...???

Are you surprised...???

Based on this interview I’m willing to believe Side Thorn was set up. But you have to understand how this looks from the outside. Vice is mainstream. People from the mainstream will only see that Vice video and come to a conclusion.

I think we need to pay attention to mission Viejo california. This hit on goode s alias and Kevin Hoggs place are both around a country club.

Awesome upload. Please upload all your tunes here.

Oh, his alias is Alexander J Lopez Age 39

Also a bonus, one of his addresses is about a mile from Kevin Hoggs house where I believe David and Emma were hanging out under the name of gonzales.