
Think I found him in about 30 minutes, based of the info from Side thorn and the clues y’all gave, I’ll throw together a quick vid

Seriously? Or is this a spoof? I don’t use any of these apps....

What age does he sound like to you?

Because 619-581-8229 is a mobile / cell phone number, the location of San Diego could not be where he actually is currently. Side thorn, is his name for sure Jason Goode in San Diego? I’m gonna look around for him.

Somebody make a version for Lenny. And then have him try to take it down. Now that would be funny in court. :D

14 x 125,000 = 1,750,000 almost multi millionaires folks... keep it going :)

Yep...demons are screaming bloody murder. I have no idea how long we can win but it sure is fun beating them at this particular part of the game.

Sometimes it’s the 33, sometimes it means they have a vagina.

Skepticon, Mark wilson, best thing you guys can do is use your voice , you both can convey an idea with intelligence just keep talking. Staying silent will do nothing.

Wow. That guy is mentally unstable. And isn’t it illegal to use a carriage service to issue violent threats, such as "I’m gunna shoot you in your Face"? He’d be in some serious trouble if he wasn’t a paid government player. If you or I made calls like that to anyone we’d be in the shit.

Phone #’s from other states can be easily obtained through google voice or other internet phone providers

This is the Jason Goode who owns the email If this is not the guy calling, someone should let him know his email is being used...but I’m sure it’s him. Instagram picture matched. 6607 Brookshire St. Fayetteville, NC 28314 Home (910)425-6430. Cell (910)494-4906

oh i remember these days... wdbj7 hoax.

Govt. says we know what’s best for FB. Hell, they own FB. Is there going to be a site to take the place of FB? Just another attempt to lure people to a place where they will feel more secure but in reality it will be a more invasive site than FB. Interesting to see how this plays out.

I am far from an expert on Israel but I do know I’m living in the United States of Israel. You say one negative thing against Israel and are blackballed as anti-Semitic. You even hint that the story of the 6 million Jews that Germany supposedly killed in the holocaust was a lie and nobody wants to hear it. I don’t know for sure when Israel took control of America but they have.

Always makes my day.

I can take all the madness the world has to give but I wont last a day without Jim :) . .......But i dont believe the McCartney thing.

So Queen Elizibeth I was a man baby? Not possible. Too many people around her at all times. Her half sister mary would have outed her right away. She didnt marry probably because she wanted complete power. Her sister mary and her cousin mary both married and they were disasters. Liz knew better.

Nice finds! Watching these hoax actors get called out NEVER gets old. Great work!

I think that it is the Freemasons who came up with the "flat Earth" psy-op, and the fundamentalist Christians are the ones who have been psy-oped. Sizzorfite recently posted 4 videos that (kind of arrogantly and obnoxiously, but accurately) prove that the Earth is a sphere, but none of those videos were Featured here ... just like none of my videos about THE BABY-EATING CULT IN LONDON PRIMARY SCHOOLS have been Featured here. If any of you "truthers" ever want to get serious about bringing down the Satanic New World Order, feel free to watch the videos on my channel ... and I have a lot more of them coming. There is no point in me posting them on Facebook anymore because BOTH of my Pages have now been BLOCKED in England Eats Babies.