
Well the connection is Andy Parker has a non profit with Lenny Pozner They are essentially connected on a business level so this would be a ’favor’ being called in.

Thanks so much brother , yep the US has turned into one giant police state cesspool .

He says he is a Sgt. in the Marine Corps when it sounds like he can’t wipe his own ass ...

Just my opinion, but it may just be as simple as "they’ll try anything". It gives you a pain in the neck and them the opportunity to see just how far they can push this campaign to silence people. Obviously there’s all the stuff that the other people have mentioned below. No question about those things being true, but since I can’t imagine what kind of connection Lenny would have to this, it might be a test of where their boundaries are as far as filing these fraudulent claims goes. I can’t see any other reason why.

I agree , looks like you found a nest of disgusting losers .

Yea this is the type of pussy who would set up an honest person for money . This guy is a true chickenshit 100% pussy .

Well, now it’s up to 339 and I’ve seen videos here with more than a thousand views. Pretty damn good for a new and GROWING site!! More people are showing up here every day and with all of us continuing to share videos, the counts will keep on going up up up!! So don’t be so smug. Just wait....

Well how this works is once I hit submit to the reply to the video in question, it must be down for 10 business days so that the claiming parties have a chance to legally sue me to keep the videos down. By me defending these for you guys I am becoming the target for large scale litigation. This is called taking one for the team.

No kidding. Southpaw is our own QAnon.

Here is my quick guide and recipe for making fluoride-free tooth paste :-----: Order "FOOD GRADE" Hydrogen Peroxide 35% from Amazon or somewhere, IT MUST SAY FOOD GRADE to be safe for ingestion. Buy or make your own distilled water for diluding the H2O2 to 3% (to dilude 35% to 3% your going to mix 1 part 35% H2O2 with 11 parts Distilled Water) This 3% mixture can also be used as a mouthwash. Buy extract flavoring of your choice in the baking isle of your local market. I prefer peppermint for the fresh after brushing feel. Buy either of the following: naturally extracted baking soda "Bob’s Red Mill" is what my market keeps stocked (regular arm and hammer brand contain heavy metals). Or food grade Diatomaceous Earth ( also found on Amazon. ---Now I reccomend mixing these ingrediants together in a small container with a lid until you find the consistency you prefer. I like to use Diatomaceous Earth instead of the baking soda because it has a taste but it is so subtle it is easily masked by the extract flavoring. The baking soda works great as an abrasive but it is so salty most people will not enjoy it. They both have their pros and cons. I have been brushing with this for over 6 years now and I have not had a single cavity and the dental hygenist is always happy to see me and amazed at my teeth. Make sure when you go to the dentist you tell them up front that you DO NOT WANT ANY FLUORIDE during your treatment / cleaning! Sometimes they will even argue with you about it and try to convince you that it is good for your teeth!

Everybody do the robot dance while you listen to this video!

You ballers are hilarious. You have no proof of anything . You excel in babbling bullshit though, so congrats on that!

People that use FB and YT need to be slapped upside the head.

Why is the video in question now marked as "Private" and no longer available to peeps?

This guy seriously needs a hobby. Crank calls are so 1980’s

Indeed Uncle Alice, indeed. So in effect they are taking on China/Russia/Syria with all this as Russia are linked closely with China’s new version of their own Petrodollar. I reckon it’s all bluff and baloney and a false flag anyway but who knows?

This guys is about as scary as a box of glazed donuts.

👍 morons

Man.. I see the anguish on your face here. FFS! Hold to whats true and right brother! Safety is key, as you said, these guys are fkwads and will act the part. Demonic fks! Peace man.

Zombie- Right on.. however, the gas and its patents are US made. And knwoing the US patent is an arm of HRM court/British controlled, there is much more to the picture to be coming out. New video up on the oil drilling going on. uploading now 👍 👍