
Right here is the video where you Jason Boss stated that you were not even using Amazon anymore :

I JUST found the video in question .................... please watch this video , Jason makes that statement right in the beginning .

Hey Henry ....................what the fuck is up with your boy Jason Boss ? Dude just went fucking psycho on me for me simply asking him a question . I asked him why he lied to us when he told us he was not using Amazon anymore for this website when I saw a newer video in the last few days where he got MORE takedown notices from ................... AMAZON . I could find the video where he stated that 2 days ago when I made that comment , but now can’t find the video where Jason clearly stated he was not using Amazon anymore . Seems like he’s covering his tracks . I am NOT stating any of this to start drama , I simply asking fellow truthers to be truthful . I know what I saw Jason say in a video . I even found the video BEFORE I made the comment . Now Jason is threatening to throw me off is is really being fucking insane and psycho .

And YES , you are very very VERY paranoid . Lol ha ha ha ha ha

VoiceofReason : What drugs are you on ? Lol . I can show the very video where you said out of your own mouth that you were not even using Amazon for this website anymore . So what he ll dude ? Are you on your period ? Lol. There was ZERO aggression in what I wrote , the aggression was only in your own head when reading my comment to yourself. Get a grip on reality . How am I now the enemy for simply expecting you to be truthful with all of us ? WTF ??? Why did you lie ? Do I need to make a video showing where you told us you were not using Amazon anymore ? Dude you lied , accept it or explain it .

No one blows the fake news to pieces quite like the Professor!!!

The professor!!! Keep the pressure on the fake news!!! Sad news that Trump,Maggie May and the french prime minister and their media assets are pushing for more war in Syria these days.

i’m uploading a video now that will coincide with this actor! More parkland actors/media hacks! Coincidences everywhere....or these idiots just have bad luck getting into mass shootings!

i missed this! Oooooo-Weeee

Someone (guest) is a troll.

I remember some of those commercials , what a scumbag .

Love your work Tim !

Can you post his Twitter link.

Noah’s left hand pinky finger in a most impossible position. Photoshopped picture.

Look at his left hand. His pinky finger in an impossible position.

Zombie thats all true , but Rebels? They aren’t rebels. They are paid mercenaries, always were. Thats why it never was a Civil War.

Someone: troll is you

Jefferson- I was thinking the exact same thing. Even though he’s using BS catch phrases like Civil War and Regime his overall point is the truth and is morally right. I’m surprised they are risking this possibly catching on.

I agree...something isn’t right here guys. Lets say this guy does end up dead...the first suspects would be pretty much everyone here. I am not saying this guy shouldn’t be exposed but remember everything we do has to be constitutionally based in every way. We can’t be a thug army....we will get shut down. We have to be very smart here so I would make sure you don’t threaten back. This is a clear case that the cops should already be all over. Side Thorn, put this guy in jail.

Anf I have tremendous staying power. Lenny and his HONR crew are really the tip of the iceberg. We just gotta be smart enough to stay out of trouble.