
I was able to call and he sounded scared. He said "y’all gonna catch charges, ya gonna catch a bullet". I laughed.

You guys are the best! Keep doing what you do. Thank you

WOW! Deja Vu. All the way to the grandchildren part. You read my mind. I do have them all on a group text and send them info just to screw with them.

You should ask PeeKay to post the video of a interview he did explaining the Boston Bombing Hoax. Best Boston BS video ever! Step by step in detail. Probably the one of the fastest video ever removed from the net.

So the grewvin email match to Jason Goode in NC is just a coincidence?

word is they are drugging children to use as props for the supposed gas attack.

100% Support from The Boss Family.

That’s IF there was even a gas attack. We still haven’t had proof of that. MIT engineers proved that the one during Obozo couldn’t have been done by anyone BUT the ISIS (FSA) rebels, but even that was not a full investigation since all they proved was that Syria didn’t have control or operated in the area the attack was allegedly carried out.

I can’t believe Carlson Tucker is actually talking truth. He’s an obvious controlled shill too, so why are they allowing this puppet to speak truth?

proving Trump is just another bitch to the zionist bankers

You can’t fight a shadow to death – you kill it with light. This vice interview / arrest has resulted in the fact that we have seen people show their colors. Good, now we know who’s pretending to be Truthers. It be very obvious with this event. Light Truthers, NSA Paid ’Truthers’ and REAL Truthers.

A pathological liar is Jason Goode , many people called this scumbag and now he won’t answer his phone . He says he lives at the 3900 Block of Georgia Street San Diego California 92103 and is a Marine .

There were a couple of messages that were questionable to be him mixed in with all the rest , I couldn’t tell if it was him trying to disguise his voice or someone else , they came in around the same time but 90% are no doubt the same person saying he is Jason Goode of 3900 Blk Georgia Street San Diego California 92103 and is a Marine .

I invest $300 a year for the video upload function. So far, Wordpress actively defends Lenny’s Noah Pozner photo post challenges.... But unexpected bad news from Archive,org you should pass around. They deleted my channel - Youtube style - for 6 Noah photos. No warning - no first strikes.....Appeal denied.

And a pea brain to match ...

Exactly how I pictured ol’ Jassie .

I heard different voices in some of the calls.

Totally agree. I was astonished at how many people at work are aware. videos about the bus crash were made because of a police officer I know pointing out things that seemed odd about the crash scene.

Syrian sarin gas attacks were done by the rebels each and every time. The only reason intervention in Syria is such an issue is because the zionist lobbies and israel have hijacked the united states’ foreign policy plus the bankers wanted to further extend their control.
