
It’s good he brought up the Suez water company I have been bitching about them for the last couple of years so it was nice to hear somebody else talking about .

seems like it could be an intentional distraction the official narrative of parkland fake phony show has been eviscerated by alt media citizen journalist.

Yes, Austin Texas! I really do like her. She’s very intelligent and very tuned in to the truth. I agree with you that she must not have understood the facts because she’s also writing and making videos and is so busy with her own work.

This is a good one.

Haha I like how the golf cart has a medical sign or whatever hanging from it. Like somehow they knew ahead of time that cart would be used to drive wounded people to the ambulances that day. Plus there should be 3300 people pouring out from the fire alarm. We saw maybe 10 at most smeared out blobs that turned around and just walked away.

Something about this just seems off, all the footage I’ve seen doesn’t seem like that’s how shit would go down if people were really trapped under there. Also I’d like to know how the crane got there so quick. I weld piping systems for chillers and hvac systems in huge industrial plants. When we get a crane to set the roof top units or fly pipe in the building, it’s not cheap. It’s like $30k & up depending on the size of the crane just to have it there for the day, whether we use it or not.

They are an embarrassment to the human race and get more ridiculous with each passing day!! Yes, that Susan woman is horrendous too. I’m unable to look at her, just like Mr Hogg from the fake Florida event. Thanks for the video!! You’ve expressed my disgust perfectly!!

The elite have figured out way back that it’s a good idea to have your own guys mingled in the opposition to keep people docile, and stupid. A perfect example is Alex Jones, he was telling a lot of what seemed to be the truth, but when Y2K came around he fear mongered the shit outta that crisis and was intentionally trying to cause civil unrest. These people have a mission to take every advantage they can to try and get someone somewhere to do something absolutely stupid, so that they are justified when they label us terrorist, and mentally ill. Fortunately the Elite have been in desperation, resorting to Hoaxes with horrible acting to get their agenda across, but it’s just a mater of time before they find some dupe to run with, stay alert folks:)

Cool. Keep us posted!

I agree that it’s suspicious. Just pointing out that there are more cases like that. I believe the channels I mentioned are not all what they pretend to be, but they do have a lot of valid content. Then again; that’s pretty much the definition of a limited hangout: give some truth to get the confidence, then hit them with the agenda. - If I read the signs correctly: there’s a big false flag event coming, possibly to start another war, in the not so distant future, this recent purge might be in preparation to silence the truthers exposing it. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

There is something funny about not wanting an alternative and getting your channels back twice. And he got it back strike free.

great interview


Lift the Veil got his channel back. - Titus Frost got his channel back. - Blackstone Intelligence Network (morphonios) got his channel back. - Proof: - - - PS: I’m skeptical of steemit, but I assume the articles cannot be deleted there. - PPS: this comment box does not support line breaks.

who is interviewing Estace?

Your a bit late in the game. Go watch some videos about and you will figure things out. Nobody asks for ID’s, nobody cares who you are, if you have real truth, its welcome. You seem a bit ignorant on the powers of the NWO. Every alphabet gang knows everything about you. Google knows everything about you. We just ask for an email addy. is a seed pot for real videos.

I’m not convinced by all this.rnrnIs some kind of honeytrap? Get all the potential troublemakers in one place where they can’t do any harm, and more importantly: get their ids.rnrnI can’t be the only person asking this question.

This video in question is something lenny doesnt like and has fought to take down. This probably isnt meant to pass around. More like just have for the grand finale.

great video hawking is an act. I’m convinced.