
I believe in facts, not manipulative mind-fuck videos like this. Videos like this only preach to the choir. Show this to a random person and all they’ll see is some crazy conspiracy nonsense. No offense.rnrnPeople in the truther community need to realize they’re only 1% of the population. Videos like this are not going to make that percentage any bigger.

I cried...but, there were no tears. How odd. Whatever.... At least I’m PC. And that is all that counts.

Looks real, but who knows at this point? Not sure what the agenda would be to take the bridge down on purpose.

Maybe it’s the same guy, but this video doesn’t prove it. The United States is estimated to have a population of 327,270,267 as of February 27, 2018. (Wikipedia) Many people look alike.

Very helpful. Pretty much what we expected.

:( off to shill island I go

Told you, all flat earthers are obvious shills

just what we have been waiting for the outside footage

Does anyone else think that Larry looks a little like one of the Stevens?

Excellent video. thank you for making this. many famous public figures have had their actors "switched out’ over the years. David Duke, Charles Manson, and Ted Kennedy all come to mind as obvious examples of this phenomena. Once an observer is aware of this fact, one would have to question the reality of the entire matrix.

Like the rest of them probably 70 or 80% of what he says is true but the rest is bs. I think these paid shills are allowed freedom to promote their own political agenda but when it comes to false flag hoaxes they have to tow the line

Ole is the man !

Right on both of you guys , no dead at either event .

The best was the last photo of the baby with "LOVE MOMMY". Nice video!

Can you (or anybody) get a close gander at that white panel truck marked (from what I can read) "Miami Dade Medical Reserve" that is parked right next to the bridge??? WTF is it doing there?

His whole method of communication was bollocks! Now work backwards from that to decide if he was an astrophysicist! Simples!

mhaaa @ redacted people. such click bait on shame of you. where is tag for "haha got you" mhahaa

Yep, shill 100%

yes yes. palintir! evil one there. might be blockchain support with new sofia ai. check here. this went online and now infultrate all blockchain to learn. uses then the mechanics of blockchain to set it self to use bots on such mass scale to do many thing at once. all auto. palinitir -ai and servers of amazon-cia and dwave tech. this might be also involve wit cern but not this far myself today. good things here to see. download share. cheers