
Is it another drill?

Right no rescues going on just standing around. Looks strange. If the are victims alive they need rescued.

jon morgile was a good help before dopes got him down and out. had spoke to him after he post a telephone number in a video. sad thing because he has good know how on subject. he talks to much to long when high on stuff. have the nazi part correct by far. not the nazi who were just good people for country but thoe who did evil things. wickedness and satanic learning things should not be for men to know. this like fallen ones of old days. not a way to know now what happen in southern regions of our earth with them and russia. the us of a was there to and hid it. now we wont know. power is corrupt especially when it comes from evil means. download this again and keep this time. muhhha

same way they used napoleon. for comment below i forgot.

hitler was part of jesuit plan. he may have start with good intentions but he let thign go out of his hands. he was used to block russians from coming in to europe and taking the crowns of royalty. research it. was his job. ok cheers

this cemetery or grave plot is fake. liked the video

muuuuhha he is watching mupets in space. eistein was beginning of these fools. now they fool the world with help of nazi from op paperclip. parson with jpl and this lunacy they did with crowley. some should look into history of nasa more. give a thumbs here but cannot. from other video found this these men are bad news. the plot of deep and long drawn out. beware of this nasa and elon musk guy too. cheers

downloading to share. good style for video. mr. hawking died many years ago from als. guinness world records would not approve him for longest know survivor. let us wonder why perhaps?

He is for sure a crisis-actor!

He has the double KK for a name.

Joking with the world’s leading expert on false flags –

Norway ’terrorist attack’ – fake as a three-dollar bill. 5 min 5 sec ( a snippet )

Ole Dammegard: 39:46 in about Side Thorn’s reward!

Yeah one of these walk across bridge/Crosswalk fell in Ky a few yrs ago from one school building to another.This could be true or false but i don’t know.

An amusing comment below. Chosen people? Give me a break. I have a jewish troll.

A childish troll comment below. Firstly, National Socialists never called themselves ’Nazis’. Nazi is a term that was made up by a jewish man called Konrad Heiden as an insult and a slure. It is The National Socialist German Workers Party. And skinheads are not National Socialists. National Socialists respect other races and cultures: “Third Reich racialism has been deliberately distorted. It was never an anti-“other” racialism. It was a pro-German racialism. It was concerned with making the German race strong and healthy in every way. Hitler was not interested in having millions of degenerates. Today one finds rampant alcohol and drug addiction everywhere. Hitler cared that German families be healthy, and cared that they raise healthy children for the renewal of a healthy nation. German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a striving for excellence, a noble idea. National Socialist racialism was not against other races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its own race, and wished that all other races would do the same for themselves.” – Leon Degrelle –

“In 1939 Germany had become the most powerful country in the history of Europe. Its gross Domestic Product at an annual average growth rate of 11% per annum had doubled in the short space of six years of quasi state banking. The Germans were the happiest and most prosperous people in the world, fully employed and enjoying one of the highest standard of living. This success was achieved by the hard work of the German people and with the support of an honest money system not based on usury or the gold standard.” –‘A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind’ by Stephen Mitford Goodson p.146 dude is jacked.