
forgot say bots micro now 2 micro p. old from university there in video. control with 5g spectrum. we see it public in a year or less when they go onto next hiden phase.


I read the book "Bury my heart at Wounded Knee" a long time ago. Now this video has again filled me with sorrow. Americas version of freedom now covers most of the globe, but I believe that the Internet has awoken so many people, I also believe the corruption and greed has begun to eat America from the inside out. There is a future for our children.

good!! now for palintir!!! deepstate 5 eyes fvey siprnet nsanet nasa echelon spaceX peter thiel < that list is run show. this cnd here on 153 is own buy amazon which is thiel. very good. slaughterbots clips some craze nuts people. reasrch those if you can. maybe put a Q check into it for hints. dont give me wrong but its all there. we have to find peieces soon. cheers download share keep!!!!

I’m surprised they released this to the public, since this showed all the terror on the faces of these poor children. Oh wait, I was wrong! This showed absolutely nothing so what’s the point in releasing it?

fascinating vid creighton seems to do solid work

mhaaa i see most of those on screwyjewytube. hard to keep list when they go away so much. girl there is cute and never get fat. funny thing there. cheers for my lol

sound like a therimin. histroy is a lie that we have been asked to agree with. only to find out real is to look and look hard. it goes away more all times. cheers

This dude is just another pro shill I’m afraid. I called him out on the Florida shooting a while ago and he had no answer for me. I have screenshots of the conversation if you’re interested.

this propoganda look better than the real hoax. this on american tv should tell something to you. boy says he does this thing 12 times. where are his poppa and momma at? are they idiots? cheers

Is this a bridge too far away from the real truth?

can not finish watch these beast of people!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all should be in a prison. wdf they paretn let them for. people are brainwashd so much. this poor little one. akkkkk! sick!

this guy is such a fake thing of a man. he lies and deceipt very badly. he give 1 drop of truth for 1liter of idiot. sad guy here. cool you send this here so people see him talk much shIIt

You got me there dude? I sat and watched it all waiting for a Pig to show up.

when you selling people crystal to have home protection you can be aware things not 100% good with this. sofia does some good thing but she need more work before taking the piss for videos. will watch this again later. cheers

Thank you and yes, I did the soundtrack. The original was way too upbeat..LOL

v2k has improved much. when all people move to new hd def signal, it make easy fro them to use. comes 5g along now and can be used for much worse. if you have a tv you dissconnect it from signal like in old they live movie. so much patents fro new things. heres how. find this patent then click on sub pattents for it and chase a rabbit for a little while. you be so amaze at other things. check names and associate to them companies and find enough to read and research for months. happy hunt. its a bunch of work to do. cheers

good see you old man. ole! download and save to share where we dont get it remove. cheers to you.. guess who

karl. No doubt about it. That video – tells it all! A child that got killed in Florida. Yeah Right, Sellout RFB.

you can see close to his monies here it looks like he is not making much of coins. he has sometimes new things. getting channel back is odd. he does has many patreons. seem honest but he is an odd one. keep this video in mind for we see soon enough. cheers.