
Milagre! Milagre!

When Matt did that video I knew he was right. In all of the time I’ve been following Matt, (about a year and a half now) I’ve never once heard him cut down or even talk about another channel. For him to do it, it means that he has good reasons. He’s also one of my absolute favorite people on the internet. I’m glad to see another follower of his here!!

Noah Posner, carrying a GE Minigun in 7.62 NATO, a 600 round ammo box, and a Bushmaster throwaway gun in an ankle holster, blew a "huge" hole in the front window at Sandy Hook Elementary. Smoked every kid that made fun of his 70’s era McCloud style jacket. Left the Bushmaster on Lanza’s body (which Noah had stolen from the morgue the day before), and fled to Pakistan for a repeat performance. The only part of this story I’m a little fuzzy on is how Noah - loaded down with an 85 pound weapon, ammo, and a throwaway - was able to carry the two 12 volt car batteries (for the Minigun’s 24 volt drive motor) as well. I suspect the janitor, acting on the assumption that he was helping Noah carry the pieces of a science fair project, is the missing link. I know this is true because everyone in my family that did not die in the Holocaust, died at Sandy Hook. Noah, you bastard! You killed Kenny!


I wasn’t wrong in my last message (Response #7 to DMCA Takedown #7): Probably the most famous brown jacket in the world for the moment. Now it been confirmed.

Welcome.. Probably more weirdness to scroogle but I really dont care. I steer clear of anything from alphabet. 👍 👍

copyright on the pictures of noah posner

ASHkeNazi.. Tribe of lunatic satanist!

Lenny I think is after the Spiderman t-shirt. Someone replied to me here it came out no earlier than sometime in ’10, but it could also be closer into ’12.

Thank you walter.

Saw that walter when was searching. Freaks out in full beat mode. :/

Great idea....

Right... Insanity fully to the floor now with brainwashed kids in the mix of it. I am ashamed of people in the US!!!

Thats abuse!!! FFS!

Time for everyone to make a new avatar.. brown is a cool color :)

Maybe this belongs on his twitter...

I welcome your comment, but I do disagree with your assessment. Even I am astounded by the things i pick up when reading people. It’s not psychic, it’s reading the microexpressions and non verbal tells we all do when we think noone can read us. rn

Thanks. My original channel was taking down due to sensitive videos, ugh. But I like the free from censorship policy here.

Nice video. Definitely truth right behind her there’s a Flat Earth map on the wall. Keep up the good work

When a jew says they’ll give you ’favor’ they mean death and destruction of everything good.