
Lonely +1 button got a smash. Thanks for this.. Saw it years ago and completely forgot about it. Archived it this time!

We need more WWF style media. Then we see who REALLY wants to get out and protest something they are, not in their heart, fully behind. A new Kent state comes to mind.. Maybe we get the little hoggs out and sick the NG on them? Naw.. tear gas and they run like a bunch of spoiled little basket cases that they are. Kids arent born ignorant, stupid and lost to reality.. the are HONED into it over years of public schooling and media/Smedia in general. Its a self serving dichotomy all in itself. Beer??? Whip?? Ahh the old days of real bars. lol.. TBH.. had to give that up :/

Good for them. Peaceful protests are for pussies. They are ignored by the media...if they are anti-war. And, they never amount to anything because they are led by the opposition. (Look at who is actually leading Code Pink for proof - Medea Benjamin is Susan Cohen Rockefeller - How do you think she got in to an Obama Press Conference to "Heckle" him? She owns him!) The problem is that violent protests don’t work either for all the same reasons. Bottom line, I blame high youth unemployment and Soros....probably. And the Media, absolutely...for being a Fifth Column...not the Fourth Estate as they like to claim. Ultimately of course, it’s the agenda of the 0.00001% that is the cause...they are the Masters here on Planet Meat Puppet. Who do I have to whip to get a beer around here?

Guy had no grasp on head/arm control from the bottom did he. Was REALLY looking for that exact video but.. alas :/

So now we have some real victims...the kids that lost the fight. Maybe some real blood now as well.

Knowing this guy by name is the first problem here. the bigger problem you have is .. THATS MY DOLL!!! lmao! think I pe ped a little. thanx for giggles!

You name fits you. :)

Just to note, their were no hoggs harmed in the making of this video. :)

interesting article maybe someone should make a video on it. Its shows how biased and political this all is.

They’ll be back... LMAO!

we must remember the fake victims.

haha! Puurfect :)

What im trying to say is who has copyright for the pic from the middle east?

Jerry, you really got them Triggered! Lol

So a hypothetical, if we made a vid Supporting the sandy hook narrative and used that Brown Jacket pic , then there is no problem, right? Like on the news they were able to use it, even though it was used in a middle east hoax also, so how come they can use it Twice for two school shootings, but we cant talk about that pic being used that way? As you can see im totally fucking confused about how its a violation when its an obvious dual hoax image?

The safe assumption to make is that all news is fake until verifiable evidence, admissible in a court of law, is presented. This is never done which tells me it’s all nonsense...fear porn for the masses. Media are the terrorists. Turn them off and win the war. hilarity!rnrn the video of two M.D.s speaking about the patients.rnrnOne doctor keeps rocking back and forth.rnrnNeed body language study here.rnrnHere is the YouTube version of this videornrnDr. Igor NichiporenkornrnandrnrnDr. Evan Boyar

Milagre! Milagre! Madeleine Wilford shot three times with a AR 15 and had wounds to abdomen and chest and emergency surgery. Ambulance EMT put a bandaid on her and drove ten miles to Broward Health North hospital where she was discharged and healed and doing fine and holding press conferences 12 days later. And here are the two doctors at the hospital who tell about their patient,

How did you figure it out? I’m now sure that this is what really happened!! Yes!!

More fake news. I’m not buying any of this nonsense. It’s just more embellishment on another ridiculous lie.