
He isn’t gonna wanna go to court with me. Wait until the Honr / Lenny goes through 3 days of depositions with me. I have fought millionaires that thought they would crush me. For over 10 years they did everything they could in court. When the dust settled, I still won. In the real world of business-fu, you just deal with these people the same way. What day shall I schedule you for depositions Leornard?

Of course that would be easier. Probably what they want and what they expect. I dont know how many times I have read the Bible or Sun Tzu’s Art of War, but neither give me conditions for rolling over and not taking this fight. As crazy as this is, I will noy yield in any way, shape, or form. I see my role as the person who MUST fight this fight. My entire life has made me the absolute best choice for this fight and I have nore staying power than armis of men. I see Lenny as the ring champion right now...nobody has gotten him good...yet. I mean to make this both the fight of our lives. Be ready Leonard, Big Daddy is comin.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just leave Lenny & Noah out of your videos?

Maybe, just maybe the best avenue of attack is to ask our dear friend LYING Lenses for proof the pictures are of his son and proof that Noah ever existed. Isn’t it funny that LYING Lenses has NEVER gone after the Peshawar family who claim he was also their son? Duh Len, you left the goal wide open there you dimwit.

I think we should contact BBC an ask how they fight Lenny Pozner’s copyright claim. And also the school in Peshawar that printed afficher on Noah Pozner.

Death Penalty for all these fake shootings and everyone involved in the CIA media


BTW Nesbitt has always been an employee of the Pritzkers, I think.

Are they fake daughters ? Yes! Is Obama’s alleged birth certificate a fake ? Yes? Is his given name at birth generally unknown? Yes! Has this all be known by the CIA, the FBI, NSA, GOP leadership and Democratic leadership? Yes? Is it beginning to sound like the U.S. is a fraud?

I don’t believe -4:49 is Blanchard and Nesbitt, it is Blanchard and some other dude. Looks more like Al Roker than Nesbitt.

Baby goats will walk out of the pen for any reason you give them

Excellent interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is also photos of Vabner errr NOAH holding a star wars book. The book was released in 2012 and was very prominent in the photos. Obviously photoshopped in as a focal point of time.

One of the many things that elite have inflicted upon us. I have had the chance to see first hand, the effect it has the Parents and the children who just want to be children. thxs for posting.

divide and conquer

Please analyze ex-Illuminati banker Ronald Bernard, thank you.

Every time

Hey what if we keep uploading all the videos in question on different channels with different titles ? Lol . They can’t say you didn’t comply with their request , can they ? Lol

Thank you. I am now following Alex! And I am waiting to see what transpires this Saturday.... March 24: 0+3+2+4=9, and 2+0+1+8=11......

Are we sure Lenny and his wife are not the same person because that is the ugliest woman I have ever seen.