
Actually no. I just setup an East Coast bounce box. Amazon is still 100% active. Before we are said and done we will have active bounce boxes all over the world. So we are 1/4 amazon and 3/4 digital ocean. And dont forget...we dont host on these platforms at all. They are only the frontend boxes meant to be attacked. We can lose every bounce box and still be alive.

We have done a lot of research on David, Emma and other aspects of our discoveries. Here I am giving a concise summary of the significance of our latest about Parkland. For the details, visit my most recent blogs at If you think that we have something wrong, please explain what it is and how you know. We are not infallible.

I work for the largest health care provider in Pennsylvania and I was threatened with termination if I didn’t accept the flu shot. In my facility I believe I’m the only one who raises a stink about it. The rest just gladly accept the shot like good little followers and believe the fear propaganda spewed on them. It’s so frustrating but I need to work!

If you don’t like this place – go somewhere else. Please writes your comments on YT – not here.

This video uploaded itself!

Good to see you here Ole !

I was wondering how the surgeons were persuaded to go along with the fraud, and I found out that Broward Health Medical Center is no stranger to fraud. As you can see, the CEO who blew the whistle on just one aspect of the seemingly endemic corruption there "committed suicide" by shooting himself in the heart, and then putting the revolver in his trouser pocket. Yeah, suuuuurrrrrre

Almost as ridiculous as Kyle Laman and his false legs. At least she told a bit of truth when she said she’s "not feeling" the ’pain’.

Or as we say down under, "stick it right up him."

Brilliant, stick it to him BossMan. 👍

Nice. 😂😂rn

I understand the dislike of the nauseating infighting or bashing others. It may be you have to lead by not bashing (RFB video), saying there is an eventual time for violence could be problematic, and drop the warfare analogies. I do not agree with many producers, but may create an environment similar to youtube in some ways.

What information about the "Gonzales" family background did you find and how can you be sure it is accurate?

Sorry, my previous post is not accurate. Fuentes did not claim her black eye was from a bullet. She said she fell and hit her head, as an explanation of at least some of the marks on her face.

The advertising for simunition says it is very dangerous. I would guess without protection you could lose an eye. The student with the massive black eye is much more easily explained as special effects makeup.

I can’t read the comments in the end – use the full screen!

Are these swines interbred? Search Kathy Gonzalez face book page. January 8, 2010. thanksgiving: mom & david

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”.......Uh, or something.

2 things will stop these frauds. When the majority knows they are frauds is one. And its getting to that point. The other thing is when people aren’t afraid to openly say they are frauds. That is the hardest part. That’s why the GOV and the Fake News are doing all they can now to label people who see the propaganda as crazy, heartless, and dangerous......which shows they know people are waking up , and thats what they fear.

So I don’t believe she is the same Emma G that he’s thinking. I tried to find anything on her. I couldn’t find any proof she even existed before 2/14/18. And that woman named Kathy Gonzalez who appears to be closely related to the Hoggs some are saying is Emmas mother. She appears to have a son named Vince but no trace of Emma at all in any of their FB pages.A young girl with no social media history?